ldelossa / nvim-ide

A full featured IDE layer for Neovim. Heavily inspired by VSCode.
MIT License
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There seems to be some problem with the config given in README.md #2

Closed adityamwagh closed 1 year ago

adityamwagh commented 1 year ago
Error detected while processing /home/aditya/.config/nvim/init.lua:
E5113: Error while calling lua chunk: /home/aditya/.config/nvim/init.lua:40: attempt to index global 'outline' (a nil va
stack traceback:
        /home/aditya/.config/nvim/init.lua:40: in main chunk
Press ENTER or type command to continue

This is what I am getting while opening neovim.

My init.lua file

-- Variables
local Plug = vim.fn["plug#"]
local g = vim.g
local set = vim.opt

vim.call("plug#begin", "~/.config/nvim/plugged")
Plug "ldelossa/nvim-ide" --make nvim like VSCode
Plug "ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim" --gruvbox theme
Plug "arcticicestudio/nord-vim" --nord theme
Plug "joshdick/onedark.vim" --one dark
Plug "nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim"
Plug "kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons"
Plug "projekt0n/github-nvim-theme" --github theme

-- theming
require('lualine').setup {
  options = {
    theme = "auto" -- or you can assign github_* themes individually.
    -- ... your lualine config

    -- the global icon set to use.
    -- values: "nerd", "codicon", "default"
    icon_set = "default",
    -- place Component config overrides here. 
    -- they key to this table must be the Component's unique name and the value 
    -- is a table which overrides any default config values.
    components = {},
    -- default panel groups to display on left and right.
    panels = {
        left = "explorer",
        right = "git"
    -- panels defined by groups of components, user is free to redefine these
    -- or add more.
    panel_groups = {
        explorer = { outline.Name, explorer.Name, bookmarks.Name, callhierarchy.Name, terminalbrowser.Name },
        terminal = { terminal.Name },
        git = { changes.Name, commits.Name, timeline.Name, branches.Name }

  undercurl = true,
  underline = true,
  bold = true,
  italic = false,
  strikethrough = true,
  invert_selection = false,
  invert_signs = false,
  invert_tabline = false,
  invert_intend_guides = false,
  inverse = true, -- invert background for search, diffs, statuslines and errors
  contrast = "hard", -- can be "hard", "soft" or empty string
  palette_overrides = {},
  overrides = {},
  dim_inactive = false,
  transparent_mode = false,

-- keymaps
function map(mode, shortcut, command)
    vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, shortcut, command, { noremap = true, silent = true })

function nmap(shortcut, command)
    map('n', shortcut, command)

function imap(shortcut, command)
    map('i', shortcut, command)

-- common vim options
vim.cmd [[
    colorscheme gruvbox
    syntax on
    filetype plugin indent on
    autocmd Filetype cpp setlocal tabstop=2

set.number = true
set.mouse = "a"
set.autoindent = true
set.termguicolors = true
set.showmode = false
set.expandtab = true
set.hlsearch = true
set.ruler = true
set.title = true
set.autoread = true
set.tabstop = 4
set.shiftwidth = 4
ldelossa commented 1 year ago


Ive updated the README.

It was missing the import of components.

Please use the updated config in the readme.

adityamwagh commented 1 year ago

Great! it works now!