ldelossa / nvim-ide

A full featured IDE layer for Neovim. Heavily inspired by VSCode.
MIT License
828 stars 27 forks source link
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LazyVim + NVIM-IDE + Github NVIM Theme

Workflow Video

nvim-ide is a complete IDE layer for Neovim, heavily inspired by vscode.

It provides a default set of components, an extensible API for defining your own, IDE-like panels and terminal/utility windows, and the ability to swap between user defined panels.

This plugin is for individuals who are looking for a cohesive IDE experience from Neovim and are less concerned with mixing and matching from the awesome ecosystem of Neovim plugins.

The current set of default components include:

We put a lot of efforts into writing docs/nvim-ide.txt, so please refer to this file for introduction, usage, and development information.

Getting started

Ensure you have Neovim v0.8.0 or greater.

  1. Get the plugin via your favorite plugin manager.


Plug 'ldelossa/nvim-ide'


use {
  1. Call the setup function (optionally with the default config):
-- default components
local bufferlist      = require('ide.components.bufferlist')
local explorer        = require('ide.components.explorer')
local outline         = require('ide.components.outline')
local callhierarchy   = require('ide.components.callhierarchy')
local timeline        = require('ide.components.timeline')
local terminal        = require('ide.components.terminal')
local terminalbrowser = require('ide.components.terminal.terminalbrowser')
local changes         = require('ide.components.changes')
local commits         = require('ide.components.commits')
local branches        = require('ide.components.branches')
local bookmarks       = require('ide.components.bookmarks')

    -- The global icon set to use.
    -- values: "nerd", "codicon", "default"
    icon_set = "default",
    -- Set the log level for nvim-ide's log. Log can be accessed with 
    -- 'Workspace OpenLog'. Values are 'debug', 'warn', 'info', 'error'
    log_level = "info",
    -- Component specific configurations and default config overrides.
    components = {
        -- The global keymap is applied to all Components before construction.
        -- It allows common keymaps such as "hide" to be overridden, without having
        -- to make an override entry for all Components.
        -- If a more specific keymap override is defined for a specific Component
        -- this takes precedence.
        global_keymaps = {
            -- example, change all Component's hide keymap to "h"
            -- hide = h
        -- example, prefer "x" for hide only for Explorer component.
        -- Explorer = {
        --     keymaps = {
        --         hide = "x",
        --     }
        -- }
    -- default panel groups to display on left and right.
    panels = {
        left = "explorer",
        right = "git"
    -- panels defined by groups of components, user is free to redefine the defaults
    -- and/or add additional.
    panel_groups = {
        explorer = { outline.Name, bufferlist.Name, explorer.Name, bookmarks.Name, callhierarchy.Name, terminalbrowser.Name },
        terminal = { terminal.Name },
        git = { changes.Name, commits.Name, timeline.Name, branches.Name }
    -- workspaces config
    workspaces = {
        -- which panels to open by default, one of: 'left', 'right', 'both', 'none'
        auto_open = 'left',
    -- default panel sizes for the different positions
    panel_sizes = {
        left = 30,
        right = 30,
        bottom = 15
  1. Issue the "Workspace" command to begin discovering what's available.

  2. Begin reading ":h nvim-ide"

Best used with

nvim-ide is best used with:


pretty notifications:

vscode-like "peek":

deeper git integration:
