An experiment to create a Reconciliation API, suitable for integration with the Freebase Gridworks application, that accesses Talis Platform stores.
The API specification is given here:
== Running
Checkout the code then do:
ruby bin/pho-reconciler
You can then visit http://localhost:9090 to see a test form.
The individual store APIs are at, e.g:
E.g. http://localhost:9090/govuk-statistics/reconcile
Any Talis Platform store name can be used in the URL. Some settings may need to be tweaked on a per-store basis. This is handled by creating a JSON configuration file for the store in the config directory.
== API Configuration
The API is essentially a proxy for the search interface that is maintained for the Platform store. Search requests are made using fielded searches. The names of these fields can be tweaked on a per-store basis.
The text to reconcile is assumed to be a label for the resource. By default a search is made using a field called "label". This can be altered by changing the "search_field" property in the JSON configuration.
The results from the search include all properties of the resource. One of those properties will be used as the "name" property for returning to Gridworks. When a match has been succesful Gridworks changes the view of the field to be the returned value, so its important to get the value of this property correct. By default the code attempts to pick a suitable labelling property, preferring properties like dc:title, foaf:name, and skos:prefLabel over rdfs:label.
However the name property can also be set explicitly in the JSON configuration.
The govuk-statistics store configuration changes both of these properties:
{ "search_field": "prefLabel", "label_property": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel" }
Finally, for a reconcilation result to be considered an exact match the search on the store must return a relevance score of 1.0. However this too can be changed by tweaking the configuration, so if we want to allow a score of 0.8 or higher to be considered to be a match, we can tweak the above configuration to:
{ "search_field": "prefLabel", "label_property": "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel", "match_score": 0.8 }
== Store Configuration
In order to allow filtering of results based on type, the Platform Store search index must be configured to include the rdf:type predicate in the field-predicate map. The predicate must be mapped to a field called "type".
== Implementation Notes
As noted above the API is just a proxy for the Talis Platform search interface. Reconciliation requests are translated into a fielded search against the search index for the relevant store, e.g.:
The results of a search is an RSS 1.0 feed that provides a paged, relevance ranked set of results. Each feed item is a resource in the store, and a full description of the resource is provided.
The feed is then processed to produce the response to the reconciliation request.
There are a few places where the Reconcilation API design has an uneasy fit with RDF.
Firstly, the API allows identifiers for resources, types and properties to be arbitrary strings, which are then handled in whatever way an implementation chooses. For an RDF service is makes sense to use URIs through-out here.
However the API allows filtering of properties based on either a name or identifier for the property (pid). Only property identifiers are supported. I've assumed that the Gridworks client will ultimately allow some mapping of column names here. An alternate approach is to use a field-predicate mapping similar to how Platform Stores currently map identifier URIs to short labels for indexing purposes.
The first one is the notion of an "identifier space" and a "schema space". These respectively map to a scope for the identifiers and properties returned by a service implementation. A triple store doesn't really have the same concept of scoping as Freebase, but we could consider either a specific graph, or the whole store as the scope. This implementation takes the latter approach and so by default uses the URI of the store as the identifiers for these "spaces". If this is not correct then it can be altered on a per store basis by adding "identifierSpace" and "schemaSpace" properties to the relevant JSON configuration.
Service Metadata