leachiM2k / face-movie

creates face movie like Google Picasa did
5 stars 1 forks source link

Problem in facemesh.py if no ref_landmarks detected #1

Open net-attack opened 4 years ago

net-attack commented 4 years ago

Today i tried to use your app, but unfortunatly i was not able to get it running in python 2.7, so i needed to change the start.sh script to python 3

Second problem was in faceswap.py (line 100) transformation_matrix = self.transformation_from_points(ref_landmarks, landmarks) if no ref_landmarks are set in line 83 ref_landmarks = self.get_landmarks(ref_img, ref_rect) it will fail, so i added a if statement:

if 'ref_landmarks' in locals(): continue transformation_matrix = self.transformation_from_points(ref_landmarks, landmarks)

Right now it is still running and i am waiting for the results =) Thanks for the work

leachiM2k commented 3 years ago

OMG, I did not get any notifications for your issues. A big sorry for that. I've updated the script version to use MTCNN. It has by far a better face recognition. Would you mind to try the branch https://github.com/leachiM2k/face-movie/tree/mtcnn?