leachiM2k / face-movie

creates face movie like Google Picasa did
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Face-Movie aligns faces and creates a movie from a bunch of jpegs like Google Picasa did it back in 2011


Since August 2016, I automatically take a selfie of myself every day at 9am. Now, 750 pictures later I wanted to make a very quick slideshow out of it to see how I have changed in these 5 years.

Unfortunately, I noticed that in each picture my head is in a different place with different tilt. I needed a tool that would align all the pictures so that the head, or at least the eyes, are at the same level.

Steps in detail:

Tools and libraries used:


You will find three images of Jeff Bezos in ./payload/input.

These images were processed by the python app and resulted in ./payload/out_morphed.mp4.

Getting started

At first, put your source JPEGs to ./payload/input. The centered and aligned images will be put to ./payload/output by the application.

The resulting movie (mp4) will land in ./payload directly.


docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/payload:/app/payload" leachim2k/face-movie:latest

If you want to build it yourself, execute docker build --tag leachim2k/face-movie:latest . But be aware, on my MacBook Pro late 2020 the build takes nearly 14 minutes.

Straight away

pip install -r requirements.txt