leafvmaple / vscode-nand2tetris

Language support for Nand2Tetris.
MIT License
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Nand2Tetris Language README

The Visual Studio Code extenstion for Nand2Tetris Language support.


  1. Support the Language HDL snippets

  2. Auto load the .tst script to check your .hdl program

  3. Auto load the .tst script to check your .asm program

  4. Quckly compress the course source to a zip that can easily commit

  5. Auto add necessary files like prog.txt into zip when compress the source


Install it from VS Code Marketplace

Run Code


Release Notes

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.0.0

Version 0.4.0

Version 0.3.1

Version 0.3.0

Version 0.2.8

Version 0.2.7

Version 0.2.6

Version 0.2.5

Version 0.2.4

Version 0.2.3

Version 0.2.2

Version 0.2.1

Version 0.2.0

Version 0.1.1

Version 0.1.0

Version 0.0.2

Version 0.0.1