A Simple and Minimalist Experiment as Code Template (SimpleExaCT). We are working on making this template more user friendly. Currently it remains at the Proof of Concept State.
Please consider that for this proof of concept we did our best effort to keep the cloud resources provisioned within the free tier limits. Leaving the provisioned infraestructure running for a couple of weeks under this setup should
ammount to tens of dollars.
That said you are solely responsible for its usage. The usual disclaimers apply. This software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This software is to be used at your own risk.
Provisioning and Deployment Setups provide specific ways of instantiating the experiment.
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/leaguilar/SimpleExaCT.git
Modify the variables of your variables.auto.tfvars, e.g. by adding your AWS credentials
Initialize terraform
cd SimpleExaCT/2_infrastructure/provisioning_and_deployment/setups/minimal_poc/
terraform init
Apply, plan and/or review the provisioning and deployment
terraform apply #or plan, save and review it
Note that depending on your internet connection this process could take several minutes. Terraform will:
Visit with your browser http://localhost:8888 and you will be in the Jupyter-lab instance that provides access to all the monitoring, management and data analysis scripts.
Here you can:
terraform state rm module.data_collection.aws_s3_bucket.b2 #(Optional, exclude the experiment results bucket state, if you haven't downloaded and deleted your experiment results)
terraform destroy