leancodepl / contractsgenerator-dart

Dart contracts client generator for a CQRS API
3 stars 1 forks source link

Dart contracts generator

Dart contracts client generator for a CQRS API. Generated code is based on the format described in https://github.com/leancodepl/contractsgenerator.


You will need to have .NET 6 and the .NET version used in your project installed on your system and have dotnet available in your PATH.

M1 macs

When installing multiple .NET sdks you need to make sure all of them are for the same architecture. Unfortunately since .NET 6 is the first .NET version to include native arm64 macOS builds, you will be forced to install the x64 version regardless:

# tap into repo that hosts mutually compatible dotnet casks
brew tap isen-ng/dotnet-sdk-versions
# force x64 .NET6
arch -x86_64 brew install dotnet-sdk6-0-100
# install your needed version (see https://github.com/isen-ng/homebrew-dotnet-sdk-versions#versions)
brew install --cask dotnet-sdk5-0-400

Finally, add the x64 dotnet to your PATH: /usr/local/share/dotnet/x64


dart pub add leancode_contracts_generator --dev
dart pub add leancode_contracts


First run will take longer due to the need to download external dependencies.