leandrosardi / contabo-client

Ruby gem for performing some infrastructure operations on Contabo via API
MIT License
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ContaboClient Ruby Library

A Ruby library for managing Contabo instances programmatically. Easily create, cancel, and reinstall Contabo instances directly from your Ruby applications.



gem install contabo-client


Before using the ContaboClient, you need to set up your Contabo API credentials.

  1. Refer to this article about how to get your Contabo credentials.

  2. Create a `config.rb`` file in your project with the following content:

# config.rb

CLIENT_ID = 'your_contabo_client_id'
CLIENT_SECRET = 'your_contabo_client_secret'
API_USER = 'your_contabo_api_username'
API_PASSWORD = 'your_contabo_api_password'

Note: Replace the placeholder values with your actual Contabo API credentials. Ensure that this file is kept secure and is not committed to version control systems.


Require the library and your configuration:

require 'contabo-client'
require_relative './config.rb'

# Initialize Contabo client
client = ContaboClient.new(
  client_id: CLIENT_ID,
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
  api_user: API_USER,
  api_password: API_PASSWORD

Creating an Instance

require 'blackstack-core'
require 'colorize'
require 'json'  

  # Retrieve images
  images = client.retrieve_images(size: 100)
  raise "No images found" unless images['data']

  # Select an image
  image = images['data'].find { |img| img['name'] == 'ubuntu-20.04' }
  raise 'Image not found' if image.nil?

  image_id = image['imageId']

  # Define instance parameters
  root_password = 'YourSecurePassword123!'
  ssh_rsa = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMPfaX2P18lDbtoZsGC6fcqw7zoAbbNyGlrUI004QCe7 your_email@example.com"
  user_data_script = <<~USER_DATA
    disable_cloud_init: true
      - touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled
      - systemctl stop cloud-init
      - systemctl disable cloud-init

  # Create the instance
  instance = client.create_instance(
    image_id: image_id,
    product_id: 'V45',
    region: 'EU',
    ssh_rsa: ssh_rsa,
    root_password: root_password,
    display_name: 'MyUbuntu20Instance',
    user_data: user_data_script

  puts "Instance created successfully:"
  puts JSON.pretty_generate(instance)

rescue StandardError => e
  STDERR.puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"

Cancelling an Instance

require 'blackstack-core'
require 'colorize'
require 'json'  

  # Define the IP of the instance to cancel
  target_ip = ''

  # Retrieve instances
  instances = client.get_instances(size: 100)
  raise "Failed to retrieve instances" if instances.nil?

  # Find the target instance by IP
  instance = instances['data'].find do |inst|
    inst.dig('ipConfig', 'v4', 'ip') == target_ip

  raise "Instance with IP #{target_ip} not found" if instance.nil?

  # Cancel the instance
  response = client.cancel_instance(instance_id: instance['instanceId'])
  puts "Cancellation response:"
  puts JSON.pretty_generate(response)

rescue StandardError => e
  STDERR.puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"

Reinstalling an Instance

require 'blackstack-core'
require 'colorize'
require 'json'  

  # Define the IP of the instance to reinstall
  target_ip = ''

  # Retrieve instances
  instances = client.get_instances(size: 100)
  raise "Failed to retrieve instances" if instances.nil?

  # Find the target instance by IP
  instance = instances['data'].find do |inst|
    inst.dig('ipConfig', 'v4', 'ip') == target_ip

  raise "Instance with IP #{target_ip} not found" if instance.nil?

  # Define reinstallation parameters
  new_image_id = 'new_image_id_here' # Replace with the desired image ID
  new_root_password = 'NewSecurePassword123!'
  user_data_script = '' # Optional user data

  # Reinstall the instance
  response = client.reinstall_instance(
    instance_id: instance['instanceId'],
    image_id: new_image_id,
    root_password: new_root_password,
    user_data: user_data_script

  puts "Reinstallation response:"
  puts JSON.pretty_generate(response)

rescue StandardError => e
  STDERR.puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new feature branch (git checkout -b feature/YourFeature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/YourFeature).
  5. Open a Pull Request.

Please ensure your code adheres to the existing style and includes appropriate tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For any questions or support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository or contact the maintainer at leandro@massprospecting.com.