leanprover / theorem_proving_in_lean

Theorem proving in Lean
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adding the local modifier restricts the scope? #62

Closed holtzermann17 closed 5 years ago

holtzermann17 commented 6 years ago

I don't actually get an error in the final line, though Section 6.4 suggests that one should appear:

def nat.dvd (m n : ℕ) : Prop := ∃ k, n = m * k

instance : has_dvd nat := ⟨nat.dvd⟩

local attribute [simp]
theorem nat.dvd_refl3 (n : ℕ) : n ∣ n :=
⟨1, by simp⟩

example : 5 ∣ 5 := by simp

example : 5 ∣ 5 := by simp
holtzermann17 commented 6 years ago

This also applies to the snippet just below that one.

def nat.dvd (m n : ℕ) : Prop := ∃ k, n = m * k

def has_dvd_nat : has_dvd nat := ⟨nat.dvd⟩

local attribute [instance] has_dvd_nat

local attribute [simp]
theorem nat.dvd_refl (n : ℕ) : n ∣ n :=
⟨1, by simp⟩

example : 5 ∣ 5 := by simp

-- error:
check 5 ∣ 5

(This works without raising any error.)

avigad commented 5 years ago

Indeed, it seems that dvd has moved to the core library after this was written. I'll work on another example.