leanprover / theorem_proving_in_lean

Theorem proving in Lean
Apache License 2.0
47 stars 46 forks source link

Theorem Proving in Lean

Built using Sphinx and restructured text.

How to build

Make sure you have Lean installed. Use

leanproject get git@github.com:leanprover/theorem_proving_in_lean.git

to clone the repository and install the mathlib library.

The build requires python 3 (install python3-venv on ubuntu).

make install-deps
make html
make latexpdf

The call to make install-deps is only required the first time, and only if you want to use the bundled version of Sphinx and Pygments with improved syntax highlighting for Lean.

How to test the Lean code snippets

make leantest

How to deploy

./deploy.sh leanprover theorem_proving_in_lean

How to contribute

Pull requests with corrections are welcome. Please follow our commit conventions <https://github.com/leanprover/lean/blob/master/doc/commit_convention.md>. If you have questions about whether a change will be considered helpful, please contact Jeremy Avigad, avigad@cmu.edu.