leanprover / theorem_proving_in_lean

Theorem proving in Lean
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revise instructions where sample code repeats standard library defs to avoid ambiguity #78

Closed holtzermann17 closed 4 years ago

holtzermann17 commented 5 years ago

I ran into trouble in similar ways in #76 and #77 with two bits of sample code that redefine standard library components. Is there a way to adjust the way these examples are treated, to help the reader avoid ambiguity? E.g., in #77, if the duplicate add is defined in the hidden namespace, #check hidden.add 2 2 is not ambiguous. One possibility would be to incorporate the error into the sample code with a comment.

universes u

namespace hidden
-- just a binary function from the type to itself?  Wow
class has_add (α : Type u) :=
(add : α → α → α)

def add {α : Type u} [has_add α] : α → α → α := has_add.add

notation a ` + ` b := add a b

instance nat_has_add : has_add nat :=

instance bool_has_add : has_add bool :=

#check hidden.add 2  2    -- nat

-- This will fail because the code duplicates the standard library and
-- there are two applicable versions of + that are visible here.
#check 2 + 2 

-- There is only one visible version of + applicable in this case.
#check tt + ff  -- bool
end hidden
avigad commented 4 years ago

I have thought about it a bit, but I think trying to explain this will only make the text more confusing. The text explains that these are the definitions in the library, and the examples work as they stand. Elsewhere the text explains the use of hidden to avoid clashes and ambiguities. Users who cut and paste to experiment with the examples will have to figure out from the error messages that the duplicate definitions are causing problems.