leapdao / leapdao-website

1 stars 10 forks source link



npm install


npm run build

Running locally

  1. npm run dev
  2. Open it in the browser (http://localhost:3000 is default)

Adding blog articles

Add new file my-super-article.md to src/posts. Content of the file as follows:

template: post.html
title:    "Article title goes here"
date:     2018-03-28 00:00:00
image:    image-to-be-used-for-preview.png
  name: name
  twitter: "@handle"
  link: https://github.com/name/
description: short summary of the article and will be shown in twitter preview.

Text of the article goes here

Adjust filename, title, date, image and text.

Commit the file to github. Our CI server will do the rest and your article will be available shortly at test.leapdao.org/blog/my-super-article.