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Testing APIs with Postman

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HTTP Clients

When developing a web application with Flask, our primary goal is to take HTTP requests and return an appropriate response, following the idea of client-server communication. So far, we've been using one particular client to interact with our server: the browser!

It's straightforward to use the browser to make a GET request — all we have to do is enter an address in the browser's URL bar, such as http://localhost:9292/games, and hit enter.

However, we also have learned a little about other HTTP verbs aside from GET, such as POST, PATCH, and DELETE. Using these other HTTP verbs is a strong convention when working with APIs in particular: they signal to developers that the server is going to perform a specific kind of action, based on which HTTP verb is used in the request:

We've seen how to make a POST request in JavaScript using fetch:

fetch("http://localhost:9292/games", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    title: "Breath of the Wild",
    platform: "Switch",

However, running a JavaScript application and writing fetch requests to test out our API in development would be quite a chore.

Luckily for us, there are some excellent tools out there to make interacting with APIs, and customizing all different parts of the request (the headers, HTTP verb, URL, and body) easier for us!

Using Postman as an API Client

The tool we'll be demonstrating in this lesson is Postman. Postman is an API Client tool that will help with testing and development of our API.

First, head to this page and download Postman: https://www.postman.com/downloads/. Make sure to download the app rather than use the web version. If you have any issues downloading, make sure to check out the Postman docs for help.

Once you've downloaded Postman and signed in, you should see a screen like this:

postman welcome screen

To show what we can do with Postman, we're going to be using the JSON Placeholder API, a free resource where we can try out different requests. For our first request, we'll make a simple GET request to https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts/1.

Click on the plus sign to open a new tab. You should see a field where you can enter your request:

postman request field

Enter the URL in the field and click send:

postman get request

You'll see we receive a JSON object as a response!

This API also lets us make non-GET requests, so let's see how we can use Postman for making a POST request. We'll try recreating this fetch request in Postman:

fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    title: "foo",
    body: "bar",
    userId: 1,

First, update the URL to be https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts. Then, click the dropdown next to the URL bar, and change the HTTP verb from a GET request to a POST request.

We can also use Postman to customize what headers are being sent. Headers are additional metadata that we can send with requests. In the fetch example above, the Content-Type header tells the server that we expect to receive application/json in the response. To add a header, click the 'Headers' tab, and add a new key of Content-Type with a value of application/json.

Finally, we'll need some way of sending a JSON formatted string in the body of the request. Click the 'Body' tab in Postman, then click the dropdown and select 'raw' to specify that we are sending a raw string of data. Then, select JSON from the next dropdown to specify that the string will be formatted as JSON. Now we can add a JSON formatted string to the text area below the dropdown:

  "title": "foo",
  "body": "bar",
  "userId": 1

Note: for the string to be considered valid JSON, all the keys on the object must be in double-quotes. There also can't be any trailing commas after the last key-value pair. You can use this JSON tool to validate your JSON if you need to troubleshoot.

With all that in place, click send:

postman post request

Success! The API has received our request and sent back a response representing a newly created post:

  "title": "foo",
  "body": "bar",
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 101

You'll also notice some additional info comes back in the response, such as a status code of 201 Created that indicates the successful creation of a resource.

Experiment with Postman by making requests to other endpoints for the JSON Placeholder API. Try making a PATCH request and a DELETE request. What changes between these different requests? What does this API send as a response if you make a bad request?


API clients like Postman are extremely valuable to have in your API developer toolkit. They make it simple to interact with servers by giving you full control over how the response is being sent, with a nice interface for customizing the HTTP verb, URL, headers, and body.

In future lessons, we'll be expanding our API to handle non-GET requests, so being able to use a tool like Postman will make our API development much easier! It's also a great tool to use if you're exploring a third-party API for use in your projects.
