learn-co-curriculum / react-render-must-not-have-side-effects

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React render() must not have side effects


React render() Quiz

?: render() is the only required method in a React component.

[X] True. [ ] False.

?: render() can only return elements, not other React components.

[ ] True. [X] False.

?: render() must be a pure function.

[X] True. [ ] False.

?: Which of the following JSX values is invalid?

[X] return (<div>I'm element one</div><div>I'm element two</div>); [ ] return (<div><div>I'm element one</div><div>I'm element two</div></div>);

?: It's okay if render() sometimes returns a different result when given the same input.

[ ] True. [X] False.

?: Which of the following expressions is definitely not a side effect?

[ ] this.fetchFriends() [X] const fullName = this.props.firstName + ' ' + this.props.lastName; [ ] const id = Math.random() * 99;

