Moves CUB200 download from Google Drive to Zenodo.
I've also put most of the other few-shot vision datasets on Zenodo; but, when possible, we should still use the original links from the authors. Record available at:
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If your contribution modifies code in the core library (not docs, tests, or examples), please fill the following checklist.
[x] My contribution is listed in with attribution.
[x] My contribution modifies code in the main library.
Fixes #405
Moves CUB200 download from Google Drive to Zenodo.
I've also put most of the other few-shot vision datasets on Zenodo; but, when possible, we should still use the original links from the authors. Record available at:
Contribution Checklist
If your contribution modifies code in the core library (not docs, tests, or examples), please fill the following checklist.