leaterhuerne / womenFilmPioneers

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Women Film Pioneers

This project represents the source code of the bachelor thesises of Lea Terhürne and Patrick Fock from the Departement of Computer Science an the Philipps University Marburg. The goal is to visualize data about women in the german film industry from it'beginnings to the middle of the 20th century.

Thesis Overview

"Webbasierte Datenvisualisierung von Frauen in der frühen Filmgeschichte" by Lea Terhürne

"Datenvisualisierung von Frauen in der Filmgeschichte mit SvelteKit" by Patrick Fock

Branch Structure

This project contains of the master, the layout representing the basic page layouts, api representing the endpoints of our database and developing branches. Each developing branch is labeld with patrick oder lea to indicate the contributer.

SvelteKit as Framework

The projekt ist build with SvelteKit. To learn more about this, feel free to read the documentation at kit.svelte.dev. More about why we use SvelteKit and how, can be found in our thesis.