leaves162 / CLIPtrase

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[ECCV24] Explore the Potential of CLIP for Training-Free Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

1. Introduction

CLIP, as a vision-language model, has significantly advanced Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation (OVSS) with its zero-shot capabilities. Despite its success, its application to OVSS faces challenges due to its initial image-level alignment training, which affects its performance in tasks requiring detailed local context. Our study delves into the impact of CLIP's [CLS] token on patch feature correlations, revealing a dominance of "global" patches that hinders local feature discrimination. To overcome this, we propose CLIPtrase, a novel training-free semantic segmentation strategy that enhances local feature awareness through recalibrated self-correlation among patches. This approach demonstrates notable improvements in segmentation accuracy and the ability to maintain semantic coherence across objects. Experiments show that we are 22.3\% ahead of CLIP on average on 9 segmentation benchmarks, outperforming existing state-of-the-art training-free methods.

Full paper and supplementary materials: arxiv

1.1. Global Patch

global patch

1.2. Model Architecture

model architecture

2. Code

2.1. Environments

2.2. Data preparation

--VOC2012/ ----... ----images_detectron2/ ------val/ ----annotations_detectron2/ ------val/

--pcontext/ ----... ----val/ ------image/ ------label/

----pcontext_full/ ----... ----val/ ------image/ ------label/

--ADEChallengeData2016/ ----... ----images/ ------validation/ ----annotations_detectron2/ ------validation/

--ADE20K_2021_17_01/ ----... ----images/ ------validation/ ----annotations_detectron2/ ------validation/

+ You also can use your own dataset, mask sure that it has `image` and `gt` file, and the value of each pixel in the gt image is its corresponding label.

### 2.3. Global patch demo
+ We provide a demo of the global patch in the notebook `global_patch_demo.ipynb`, where you can visualize the global patch phenomenon mentioned in our paper.

### 2.4. Training-free OVSS
+ Running with single GPU

python clip_self_correlation.py

+ Running with multiple GPUs in the detectron2 version

  Update: We provide detectron2 framework version, the clip state keys are modified and can be found [here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mZtNhYCJzL1jDfc4oO6e7rqbKiKSBGz9/view?usp=drive_link), you can download and put it in `outputs` folder.

  Note: The results of the d2 version are slightly different from those in the paper due to differences in preprocessing and resolution.

python -W ignore train_net.py --eval-only --config-file configs/clip_self_correlation.yaml --num-gpus 4 OUTPUT_DIR your_output_path MODEL.WEIGHTS your_model_path

+ Results

  single 3090, CLIP-B/16, evaluate in 9 situations on COCO, ADE, PASCAL CONTEXT, and VOC.

  Our results do not use any post-processing such as densecrf.

<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=864 style='border-collapse:
 <col width=72 span=12 style='width:54pt'>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'></td>
  <td class=xl65></td>
  <td colspan=6 class=xl65>w/o. background</td>
  <td colspan=3 class=xl65>w. background</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>Resolution</td>
  <td class=xl65>Metrics</td>
  <td class=xl65>coco171</td>
  <td class=xl65>voc20</td>
  <td class=xl65>pc59</td>
  <td class=xl65>pc459</td>
  <td class=xl65>ade150</td>
  <td class=xl65>adefull</td>
  <td class=xl65>coco80</td>
  <td class=xl65>voc21</td>
  <td class=xl65>pc60</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td rowspan=4 height=76 class=xl65 style='height:57.0pt'>224</td>
  <td class=xl65>pAcc</td>
  <td class=xl65>38.9</td>
  <td class=xl65>89.68</td>
  <td class=xl65>58.94</td>
  <td class=xl65>44.18</td>
  <td class=xl65>38.57</td>
  <td class=xl65>25.45</td>
  <td class=xl65>50.08</td>
  <td class=xl65>78.63</td>
  <td class=xl65>52.14</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>mAcc</td>
  <td class=xl65>44.47</td>
  <td class=xl65>91.4</td>
  <td class=xl65>57.08</td>
  <td class=xl65>21.53</td>
  <td class=xl65>39.17</td>
  <td class=xl65>18.78</td>
  <td class=xl65>62.5</td>
  <td class=xl65>84.11</td>
  <td class=xl65>56.08</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>fwIoU</td>
  <td class=xl65>26.87</td>
  <td class=xl65>82.49</td>
  <td class=xl65>45.28</td>
  <td class=xl65>35.22</td>
  <td class=xl65>27.96</td>
  <td class=xl65>18.99</td>
  <td class=xl65>38.19</td>
  <td class=xl65>67.67</td>
  <td class=xl65>37.61</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>mIoU</td>
  <td class=xl65>22.84</td>
  <td class=xl65>80.95</td>
  <td class=xl65>33.83</td>
  <td class=xl65>9.36</td>
  <td class=xl65>16.35</td>
  <td class=xl65>6.31</td>
  <td class=xl65>43.56</td>
  <td class=xl65>50.88</td>
  <td class=xl65>29.87</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td rowspan=4 height=76 class=xl65 style='height:57.0pt'>336</td>
  <td class=xl65>pAcc</td>
  <td class=xl65>40.14</td>
  <td class=xl65>89.51</td>
  <td class=xl65>60.15</td>
  <td class=xl65>45.61</td>
  <td class=xl65>39.92</td>
  <td class=xl65>26.73</td>
  <td class=xl65>50.01</td>
  <td class=xl65>79.93</td>
  <td class=xl65>53.21</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>mAcc</td>
  <td class=xl65>45.09</td>
  <td class=xl65>91.77</td>
  <td class=xl65>57.47</td>
  <td class=xl65>21.26</td>
  <td class=xl65>37.75</td>
  <td class=xl65>17.99</td>
  <td class=xl65>62.55</td>
  <td class=xl65>85.24</td>
  <td class=xl65>56.43</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>fwIoU</td>
  <td class=xl65>27.96</td>
  <td class=xl65>82.15</td>
  <td class=xl65>46.64</td>
  <td class=xl65>36.66</td>
  <td class=xl65>29.17</td>
  <td class=xl65>20.3</td>
  <td class=xl65>38.24</td>
  <td class=xl65>69.1</td>
  <td class=xl65>38.76</td>
 <tr height=19 style='height:14.25pt'>
  <td height=19 class=xl65 style='height:14.25pt'>mIoU</td>
  <td class=xl65>24.06</td>
  <td class=xl65>81.2</td>
  <td class=xl65>34.92</td>
  <td class=xl65>9.95</td>
  <td class=xl65>17.04</td>
  <td class=xl65>5.89</td>
  <td class=xl65>44.84</td>
  <td class=xl65>53.04</td>
  <td class=xl65>30.79</td>

## Citation 
+ If you find this project useful, please consider citing:

@InProceedings{shao2024explore, title={Explore the Potential of CLIP for Training-Free Open Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation}, author={Tong Shao and Zhuotao Tian and Hang Zhao and Jingyong Su}, booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision}, organization={Springer}, year={2024} }