=== 1. Introduction
This project contains the source code tree of the eID Identity Provider. The source code is hosted at: http://code.google.com/p/eid-idp/
=== 2. Requirements
The following is required for compiling the eID Trust Service software:
=== 3. Build
The project can be build via: mvn clean install
The deployable Java EE application can be found under: eid-idp-deploy
You can speed up the development build cycle by skipping the unit tests via: mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install
=== 4. Eclipse IDE
The Eclipse project files can be created via: mvn eclipse:eclipse
Afterwards simply import the projects in Eclipse via: File -> Import... -> General:Existing Projects into Workspace
First time you use an Eclipse workspace you might need to add the maven
repository location. Do this via:
mvn eclipse:add-maven-repo -Declipse.workspace=
=== 5. License
The license conditions can be found in the file: LICENSE.txt