lectroidmarc / gsm-tracker

An Arduino sketch that supports the Adafruit FONA and a GPS. For tracking things.
ISC License
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GPS Tracker

This is Arduino code to support a Adafruit FONA module and a GPS.

Any serial serial GPS that the Adafruit GPS library can deal with will work. Obviously the Adafruit Ultimate GPS works pretty well.

What this code does

The upshot here is the Arduino gets the GPS location every GPS_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds and then uses the FONA to update a web data store over a GPRS connection. In this case the web data store is data.sparkfun.com.

For added amusement, the FONA module will also listen for SMS "commands". Current commands are:

Visualizing the GPS data

Visualizing the saved data is done by opening the web/index.html page in a web browser. It's hardcoded to data.sparkfun.com so YMMV.

A note on keys

The two files, keys.h.sample and keys.js.sample need to be copied to versions with the .sample suffix removed. Then the various key data, like your public and private keys for data.sparkfun.com, need to be added there.