ledger-milazzo / org

documenti organizzativi del progetto ledger-milazzo / organization documents of the ledger-milazzo project
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LEDGER Milazzo project


Welcome to the LEDGER Milazzo github organization.


This organization started with the workshop attended by the first 8 of 16 LEDGER.eu projects on 28. October 2019.

On 31. October 2019 the attending LEDGER teams presented their findings in the I.T.T.S Ettore Majorana.

During the presentation we also invited people living in and around Milazzo to make use of our effort.


In this github organization you can find repositories that each contain an thoughts/concept/idea on how to improve Milazzo. You can ask questions to each idea in each issue tracker. The initial team members can give guidance on how to continue on a given topic.

If one of the projects gains the support from the Milazzo community in the form of contributions, we welcome a "graduation" of the project. This means that the project will be transferred to a new organization where the contributors can use the given material to autonomously continue with the effort.

Open Government

If you are from Milazzo we welcome you to join this group by creating an issue with this link.

This organization is governed by the members in the "Consiglio" group. The job of this group is to resolve any conflicts and be able to help if some taks can not be done by a member. In order to be part of "Consiglio" you need to be recommended by two other Consiglio members.

All rules for the organization are all explained here, but this is a living document. If you think something should be changed or added, please Edit this document and send a Pull Request.