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A blog written in Clojure for learning Clojure... and blogging.
You can configure three profiles: dev
, test
, and prod
. Each profile can have separate urls, databases, and other fields configured to isolate them from each other.
Each profile, dev
, test
, and prod
can be configured by editing its corresponding config.edn
file. You'll probably want to specify different article, page, media, and users collections among the different configurations in order to separate the data you develop and test with, from your production data.
:db-name "blog"
:db-article-collection "articles"
:db-page-collection "pages"
:db-media-collection "media"
:db-users-collection "users"
:site-url "http://localhost"
:site-title "My Mango Site"
:site-description "A site I made with mango"
:site-copyright "My copyright message"
:admin-email "your-email@your-domain.com"
:port 8080
:logo-url "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/{your bucket}/logo.png"
:aws-media-bucket "{your bucket}"
:aws-region "us-west-1"
:cdn-url "https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/{your bucket}/blog/"
:app-css "/css/mango.css"
:app-js "/cljs-out/dev-main.js"}
:analytics-enabled false
:google-analytics-id "{your google analytics id}"
:ads-enabled false
:google-ad-client "{your google client id}"
:google-ad-slot "{your google ad slot id}"
You'll need to supply your Amazon credentials and S3 bucket
Mango is currently strictly tied to mongoDB and you must have an instance running that you can connect to.
Running locally for development:
Run the server from the command line with $ lein with-profile dev run
. If you're only developing the back end you can stop here and simply open a browser window to the url of your server (http://localhost:8080 by default).
In order to develop the front end with clojurescript, you can fire up figwheel and have all the interactive development (REPL, live code reloading, etc) you could wish for.
You can run the client code with figwheel watching for live updates with $ lein fig
. If you want to use the command line REPL you can use $ lein fig-repl
I use the CIDER REPL from Emacs.
The dev.cljs.edn
file configures the development build and figwheel-main to connect to the running server above:
^{:open-url "http://localhost:8080"}
{:main mango.core}
To start CIDER:
M-x cider-jack-in-cljs
. NOT :dev
and NOT the default!The REPL will eventually come up, and load the server url above. Happy hacking!
$ lein test
$ lein test :integration
$ lein v update {patch|minor|major}
Run $ lein build-server-uberjar
and deploy the resulting mango-{version}-standalone.jar
file. I just scp
it to my Amazon EC2 instance and run it with $ java -jar mango-{version}-standalone.jar
. You could so set it up to run automatically for your environment like in this example.
$ lein build-prod-client
$ lein build-prod-uberjar
$ cp target/mango-{version}-standalone.jar target/mango-standalone.jar
$ lein docker build
I haven't provided the configuration to push Mango to a Docker registry, I'll leave that up to you
The values in these files will be used in configuring the Docker containers and Mango and should never be checked in to source control
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