leedshackspace / tool-api

A tool access control API/web interface
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This project has been archived by Callum Snowden, as I'm working on a new version that is just all round "nicer".


An 'API'/web interface for administering machines & users.


See "requirements.txt" for exact versions

how to run

The app is currently in development mode. To run,python3 run.py will start a server that listens on which will allow hardware to connect to the API.


The database has been dumped under the folder "db_dump" - this contains some test data that was used during development, and the database schema.

The file "models.py" will need to be changed to have the correct database connection string.

how do JSON?

Currently, the only endpoint that will return json is /canuse/<machineuid>/<cardid>

The format this expects is a GET request to the above URL, with the machine UID and card ID. This will return a JSON array with the format of [{"canuse": 0, "caninduct": 0}] which will change depending on the permissions of the user.

I plan on adding functionality to allow other endpoints to return JSON in the future, this is being developed on the /machines endpoint - if a GET request is made with a Accept header of application/json this will eventually return a JSON response.