leeif / mercury

A room-based message service
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What is Mercury

Mercury is a room based chat project which is aiming to help deveplors building a chat service in a fast way. Mercury is an independent service from your app which make you can take more concentration on your app. We are also planning to make Mercury to a distributed chat service for a more scalability.

How Mercury Work

The Mercury is designed into two part, Rest API server and Websocket server.

What Rest API Server does

API Method Description
/api/token GET Get token of a user for a websocket connection
/api/room/add POST add members into a chat room

What Websocket Server does

Connect to the server using the token.


Merucy server receive a json format message. The client should send a json data to the server in the websocket connection.

send message to a chat room

  "type": 1,
  "rid": "<room id>",
  "text" "<message>",

get history message

  "type": 2,
  "msgid": "<start message id>",
  "offset" "<number of message before msgid>",


command-line flags


Basic server configuration

config default value
--server.api.port 6009
--server.ws.port 6010


Logging in Mercury is using the interface provided by go-kit

config available value
--log.format json(default) | logfmt
--log.level info(default) | warn | error | debug


You can choose from multiple back end storage to store the data in the Mercury.


config default value
--mysql.host ""
--mysql.port 3306
--mysql.user root
--mysql.password ""


config default value
--redis.host ""
--redis.port 6379
--reids.password ""
--redis.db 0

Configure File

You can also configure the Mercury through a config file which is using the https://github.com/jinzhu/configor

The YAML, JSON, TOML format of configure file are supported.

The default file path is ./mc.cnf.toml and can be set by --config.file command line option.

Here is an example of configure file https://github.com/leeif/mercury/blob/master/config/config_file.go

Simple Demo

~$ go get github.com/leeif/mercury
~$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/leeif/mercury
~$ dep ensure

Start Mrcury server

~$ go run ./

Test client

// Terminal 1
~$ go run ./test --member=1

// Terminal 2
~$ go run ./test --member=2

Send Message

// Terminal 1
send> Hello World 1

// Termianl 2
send> Hello World 2

Contact Us (联系我们)

Slack : #mushare-dev