leelakrishnan / FlyTV

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Fly Team Vote πŸ›— Team βœ… Vote ✌🏽 Fly πŸš€ Team Logo

lots of metadata, scroll down to how to run on your local machine for steps

Project Proposal

An open source collaboration solution making hackathons more transparent and easier to do.


Asynchronous collaboration can be difficult and painful. A lot of time can be wasted wrestling egos and wrangling wandering minds. Tasks get forgotten. Communications are missed. Feelings get stepped on. This can reduce productivity, or worse, break up the team.


Provide the proper supports, tools, and incentives to get the most from each individual and the entire team in one complete package. Using decentralized, open sourced tools, nobody will get "rugged" when a siloed solution goes down. Badges, custom memes, and "plus one" points knit together disjointed groups of strangers through a shared experience.

Message to User

Future Developments

About the Project

We created a tool we'd like to send back in time to our previous selves to help us work on this hackathon. It would have cleared up misunderstandings and eliminated duplication of efforts.

Like many previous hackathons before this one, our team was beset by fits and false starts. One person enthusiastically supported a method of building a piece of the project and then flaked out and never showed up again. Another person only spoke when asked direct questions but never asked the other members about their role in the project.

As patience grew thin and nerves began to fray, we shared horror stories like "This isn't going so well but it could be worse." One of our teammembers was in a hackathon where all the prize money was sent to one person. That person never paid anyone else on the team. Who does that? Now it doesn't matter because we've got a solution to that problem and we included it in this "magical, time machine, hackathon solution."

Ally Haire explained to our team that whenever a programmer has a gordian knot of problems, it helps to have a little rubber duckie to talk things over. Why stop at just one duck? How about an entire flock of ducks? Migrating fowl fly in a "V" formation to improve their energy efficiency. On our long migratory flight of this hackathon, Tippi and Leela were our "big ducks" out front. They provided the uplift for the rest of us. Sometimes they'd get tired and fall back. As needed, a new leader would come up to the point and continue the flight path.

The person writing this section, me, I am an artist and a teacher. It's my first Hackathon. Very little programming experience. I want to learn more about IPFS and Dapps. Tippi invited me to join with just six days before all this was due. I've learned how to create a markdown document, commit a change on GitHub and make a pull request. I uploaded my images to IPFS using NFT.storage! Tippi gave me +1 coding points after I accomplished that.

Even though we are all scattered across the globe, we had a keen sense of place and belonging using the Gather.Town interface. By extending our minds into a virtual world we were able to spatially place items for each other to discover and delight in. Tippi encouraged me to make a sketch of our Lead Developer Leela and use that as one of our archetypes. Leela enjoyed the sketch and asked me if he could use it as his profile pic. By uplifting our teammembers we will all fly farther and use less energy in the process. Leela

Major Features


A fun place to hold meetings in real-time or asynchronously. Leave "easter eggs" for your teammates. Organize assets and information using the method of loci.


Cuts down on the repetitive tasks of always having to fill out the same information over and over again. Your information will be saved and can be used for all future Hackathons.

Team Chooser

There's a person with a great idea but no teammembers. There are lots of people ready to work but aren't sure what direction to go in. The Team Chooser matches up wants and needs.

Minting Coins

NFTs are awarded to members when they are accepted into the team. Each member can propose on a feature. If it's voted to be accepted and merged into the Main, all creators of the feature get a coin for their accomplishment.


We all know someone like RnD Randy or the Documentarian. By having some ready-to-go avatars, the members will already begin to see themselves as part of the team.

Meme Generator

It's important to have fun. There's nothing like a bit of laughter to relieve the tension in the room. The Meme Generator helps to create some common bonds around a shared experience.


Give out awards to mark the accomplishments of every teammember. There will be bragging rights for all who get the most badges.

how the technology is used:

Feature set the problems that are solved and the feature wishes for future (flightpath)

  1. IPFS for Video Drive
  2. NFT.Storage for NFTs & The Project Blob
  3. Web3.Storage for _?
  4. Meetings in the Protocol Labs Community Office gathertown
  5. Mentorship from Konstantin, Developer Ally, and TheDiscordian for feedback on our app.
  6. Web3.Storage to upload 25 Minutes of Don't Stop Believing.wav
  7. https://shiny-thunder-1695.on.fleek.co/ we deployed our "Basic Template Landing Page" using fleek

important folders:

  1. readme/ //-collected documentation
  2. my-app/ //the main application, remember to cd here to npm install etc
  3. smart-contracts/ //this is where the tokens and DAO structure live and why Leela is losing sleep
  4. my-app/public/screenshots/ //assorted screenshots that may have clues to the "wingbird0-world"
  5. badgeRewards/ //this is one of tippi's ideas, to have a ceremony awarding different badgers to people for their individual contribution to the project, in a way, verifying some of their skills like a recommendation letter.
  6. web3storage-quickstart/ //a team can use this to send or save their project information for submission as a final project. while creating the branch, tippi lost one point in professionalism, but learned a lesson.
  7. arch-sketch.md //as per recommendations from meeting with mentor, we thought about the different archetypes of users ...

How to run on your local machine:

In my-app/ folder, make sure there is an ".env.local" file with usable values for:


    check the .env.local.example on what client id required for project to run

make your own if you want, or ask the team for help.

If you want to read more drawings and documentation, check the readme/ folder. If you notice any obvious errors and want to contribute to this Open Source Software Project for Hackathon Hopefuls, read (GitHub Flow for Hackathons)[https://www.notion.so/Github-Flow-for-Hackathons-e0d394f3a1e64757b04b7e045ca0970a]. After that, you can delightfully use GitHub to contribute to this beginner-friendly and public community. You might just get some FLYTV badgerReward in the future.

An easy first bounty, fill in the blank (with GitHub!: Read-write-t____-verify (Faber Web3 Webinar).

Key components:

  1. used web3auth for seamless login to app
  2. Moralis backend for database and IPFS file storage
  3. users can see all the currently created teams in Faber Hackathon
  4. users can apply to join a team
  5. team can review applications and onboard Mates

Next steps:

  1. Team Dashboard has github activity of all teammembers.
  2. Project Dashboard helps keep Team on track (guardrails and NFT Surprise?)
  3. Badgers Award Ceremony required to Complete Documentation
  4. Whole Hackathon Showcase automatically generated from all teams/projects.
  5. Email notifications?
  6. Chat/video chat function (with funny filters)
  7. Quadratic Voting like GitCoin

DAO Concept

Once you are accepted onto the team, you will be allowed to mint an Welcomed NFT (based of which avatar you currently have chosen). Using that NFT you can claim a gift of 5 of the 10000 FLYTV tokens. 1 token can be spent to propose a "feature to do." Say we proposed a feature "Do a chat option using IPFS." When a Contributor makes a pull request that is merged into GitHub main with "Do a chat option using IPFS." The user wallet for the matching GitHub username is given 1 FLYTV. The proposer of the successful feature is returned their 1 token and given 1 token. The feature can also be NFTs that are burnable.

The reason we do all this is because we want to incentivize good hackathon habits, which include proper open source ettiquite which requires 1-to-1 communication, making visible contributions to the project between meetings and keeping the Project board clean.

Flight Path

Eventually, we hope to implement systems for minimizing, managing and tracking metadata about team meetings. We'd like to figure out a better way to distribute the prize money than just talking about what we should do or splitting equally.

Bonus text:

Every feature is a seperate story. If you want to create a proposal? (automatically vote yes) If you want to vote on a proposal? What happens if only one person is paying attention?

  1. each contributor
  2. timers?
  3. FLY TeamVoteMachine

-=- Do a chat option using IPFS.