leesj-dev / classroom-notifier

Classroom Notifier aims to send automated notification emails when any post in a Google Classroom is edited or deleted.
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batch-script html python selenium shell-script smtp


Classroom Notifier aims to send automated notification emails when any post in a Google Classroom is edited or deleted. This is because Google only sends email notifications for added posts.

*DISCLAIMER: The Google account language MUST be set to Korean, otherwise it will not work.

How to Use

1. Enable SMTP on your NAVER account.

Login to NAVER Mail and go to 환경설정 > POP3/SMTP 설정. Set POP3/SMTP 사용 to ‘사용함’ and click ‘확인’.

2. Download the files and install the required packages.

Download the entire repo as a .zip file, unzip it, and move the folder to a specific directory.

Open Terminal/Command Prompt, move to your directory by cd "file path" and type pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages. You should have Python 3 with pip installed to run this program.

3. Add a .env file to the directory where you put the other files.

On the .env file, add every email address and password you are going to use for logging in to your Google Classroom and for sending emails.

Please include the domain, such as @gmail.com, and remember to include both Google and NAVER emails. You also have to add the line file_path and put the directory where the file is located.

For example, the result of the .env file would be:

123@gmail.com = qwerty
456@gmail.com = asdfg
789@naver.com = qwretyuiop
file_path = /Documents/VS Code/classroom-notifier

4. Check your Google Chrome version and download chromedriver.

To check your Chrome version on your desktop, open Chrome and click the button in the top right. Go to Help > About Google Chrome.

Download chromedriver that matches your Chrome version and operating system. Add your downloaded chromedriver to the directory where you put the other files.

Note: You can delete line No. 81 and edit line No. 88 & 91 to be driver = uc.Chrome(options=options) and driver = uc.Chrome, respectively, instead of downloading chromedriver manually. Note that this would lead to downloading chromedriver every time you execute the Python code, and your Chrome browser should be updated to the latest version; therefore this method is not recommended.

5. Add your configurations to config.yaml.

Note: While you must type True or False on 'headless', options on the other three—'interval_time', 'disable_before_months', and 'disable_on_postnum'—are not mandatory, so you can just leave them as blanks.

'headless': False
'interval_time': 10
'disable_before_months': 12
'disable_on_postnum': 100
  link: https://classroom.google.com/c/123456789  # Mathematics
  login: 12345@gmail.com
  sendfrom: 23456@naver.com
    - abcd@gmail.com
  link: https://classroom.google.com/c/abcdefgh  # Physics
  login: 12345@gmail.com
  sendfrom: 23456@naver.com
    - abcd@gmail.com
    - efgh@gmail.com
    - ijkl@gmail.com

6. Run generator.py to create a shell/batch script.

Open Terminal/Command Prompt, move to your file directory by cd "file path" and type python3 src/generator.py. Every time you change config.yaml, you need to re-run generator.py in order to renew run.sh or run.bat.

7. Run run.sh or run.bat.

For Mac/Linux users, open Terminal, move to your directory and type source src/run.sh.

For Windows users, open Command Prompt, move to the directory, and type src/run.bat.

You may need to quit each Chrome window after you stop executing the code. The chromedriver windows do not get closed automatically.