leesugil / symbolic

Symbolic calculator for arithmetic operations with fractions
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Symbolic calculator for arithmetic operations with fractions

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Consider the example: f = a x^2 + b x^1 + c x^0 x = 2 y = 3 g = y f ==> 3 a 4 + 3 b 2 + 3 c 1 This happens because I haven't implemented commutative & associative rules. Time to implement these properties. We'll start with a simple strcmp and switching p->left and p->right. Be careful that blindly doing it will make it commutative, not associative. converting "y - x" into "-x - y" would not work well if x < 0. <- a mini project first.

WIP (resolved)

Consider the example: (a (x^2)) + ((b (x^1)) + (c * (x^0)))


Updating parseExpr to make sure that DEFN_DIV and EQN_DIV are applied first with strstr, and then OP_DIV later with strstrmask with BLOCK_START and BLOCK_END. The more I dig into the project, the more I realize that it take a lot of string parsing & editing work. It's not entirely reinventing the wheel because C doesn't assume it understands unspecified arguments as symbols, but the project is taking more time than I expected with the parsing work. Also VAR should go back to SYMB. It makes more sense. Every variable is just a map { strings } -> { doubles }, a constant function. In that sense, we can imagine having only one symbol tree for variable/function names. But then how do we accomodate the varying number of arguments for each symbol, and its formula expression? One way is to limit the maximum number of arguments. f = f(g, h) = g^2 + h^2; g = g(x, y) = x + y; x = 1.2; y = -3.4e-5; h = h(y, z) = y z; y = -3.4e-5; z = NULL; -> f = (1.2 + -3.4e-5)^2 + (-3.4e-5 z)^2; The project got streched out a little due to the ambitious initial goal, I'm splitting it into subgoals along with some clarified design & plan so that I can deliver it with measurable progress. I'll eventually merge the features, but splitting up into smaller projects will save this one-man-project at the moment.

  1. Symbol tree
    1. Keep it
    2. For both variable names and function names, like the real-life f(x) = x^2 is recorded as "f"->"x^2".
    3. They are purely strings. Even for numeric assignment like "x = 5", the symbol tree will only serve it as a look-up dictionary, recording it as "x"->"5". The actual numerical evaluation will happen later.
    4. Add a command to flush it (free)
  2. Expression parsing Split this into several mini-projects.
    1. Handle definition (" = ", ", "), formula evaluation, formula comparison (" == ", " > ", " >= ", " < ", " <= ", " != ") seperately.
    2. Register symbolic definition: Given an expression like "x = 5", addSym(SymbTree, "x", "5"). This applies to functions, like "f = (1 + 2 x - y) z" added as addSym(SymbTree, "f", "(1 + 2 x - y) z").
    3. Evaluate formula: To evaluate a given formula/expr (such as "(f + 1) / g(h)"), we first parse it as much as possiible to remove layers of symbols using SymbTree.
      1. Parsing Done as before, using strstrmask for (), [], and {}. (Note that we're not dealing with ", ", " = ", " == " stuffs here). At the end node p of each branch, we'll see p->op == NULL. there you run a look-up in SymbTree to see if you can parse more. if (p->op == NULL) updateExpr(p) look up SymbTree and update p->op, p->left, p->right as needed parseExpr(p->left) parseExpr(p->right) When another expression is to be evaluated, free the previous expression tree to prevent memory leak.
      2. Actual evaluation. Evaluate numbers, apply symbolic operations if needed

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