leezer3 / OpenBVE

OpenBVE- A free train simulator
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LOGO mark and Icon competition and the naming of openBVE #325

Open ginga81 opened 5 years ago

ginga81 commented 5 years ago

This is related with issue #305.

The openBve is recently changes revolutionally. Please this movie of 'Another' train demo. https://youtu.be/VYOz-gDbjOA And a lot of changes with.

At the issue #305, we are attempt to change to BSD license. Especially at the changing the license, to evacuater unnecessary strife, I think that these icon and logo picture is dengelous to continue with use.

Additionaly, the original BVE creator mackoy, he says that he hate to use the name of BVE to openBve. But, our project has already end the naming discussion.

At the name of BVE, this is a category of BVE family, so I think that the original BVE's name is using 'BVE Trainsim'. So I suggest the name of 'OpenBVE'. This name has some means.

1.Completely Open source. To effect strongly the OPEN word. 2.the name is a set of 'OpenBVE'. BVE is a category of BVE trainsim family. the 'OpenBVE' is a project name. 3.If the name is openBve, this name is perhaps happens confusion of the name of software. to evacuate the trouble, Bve is should to changes to 'BVE'. 4.the EXE file and another naming, that is very varaiety, but at the sometimes, we are confusion in use. So, we need to use the name unified.

At this timing of evolutional change, to evacuate of the license problem and evacuate logomark trouble, we have to change to the new logo and Icons.

To change the logo and Icons, I suggest the competition. After the competition, vote to the candidate pictures. Finally, icons and logos set to BSD license, and use.

Please consider about these. logos

leezer3 commented 5 years ago

Interesting question / ideas.

Some thoughts / observations: The 'official' name is openBVE. It's really hard to change this without breaking brand recognition (we get hundreds of hits a day from search engines), and for that matter, Michelle tried this and failed whilst she was still with us. (There was an attempted rename to Trainsimframework)

Unfortunately, the name casing is inconsistent within the source code (I believe this was to comply with CamelCase naming rules), and within the wider community. Without renaming, which I'm reluctant to consider, it's hard to do anything about this. I hadn't noticed that the large logo was also inconsistent with this too! N.b. I note Mackoy uses Bve. If I recall correctly, Bve is a shortening of a Japanese phrase, something about 'bad driving express' ?

The large logo and the 3D icon were originals from Michelle, although they have been freshly drawn in vector format, for which the source is public domain.

s520 commented 5 years ago

In Japan this problem is serious. It may be inappropriate, but I am persecuted. People in the BVE 5 community hate OpenBVE from the past circumstances. However, I think that I certainly have a problem with the logo. I think that the current logo can not be helped even if it is said that plagiarism of BVE 2/4 is said. So we should change the logo at least.

P.S. BVE stands for "Boso View Express". However, "Boso" is "bad driving".

leezer3 commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that's not good. For what it's worth, the last official (English) communication I'm aware of from Mackoy was this: http://forums.uktrainsim.com/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=140942 I haven't seen anything where he specifically has a problem with openBVE as a name. IIRC there may have been a post or two on the original openBVE forum discussing names, but that's been gone for at least 10 years....

Unfortunately, I think that in most countries other than Japan, openBVE is more popular / recognised than BVE5. It's almost a case of the child outgrowing the parent..... Certainly, in terms of UK / European content all the developers I'm aware of migrated from BVE4 when openBVE came onto the scene.

s520 commented 5 years ago

About ten years ago, they say that developers of OpenBVE badly criticized BVE2/4/5. They continue to keep anger with it, and I am attacked by them when I send OpenBVE development status to other people by Twitter. Mackoy does not say anything, but people around him seem to be taking his intention...

s520 commented 5 years ago

It seems they can not forgive that BVE 's compatible program arbitrarily calls openBVE.

leezer3 commented 5 years ago

That sounds rather like Michelle's copyright stance.

Whilst I unfortunately don't know exactly what they're referring to, she was extremely vocal (to the point of stupidity to be quite honest) that any and all content should be public domain. I strongly suspect that this stance and the backlash she got from it contributed to her departure from openBVE development, and unfortunately I don't have any real solutions to this......

s520 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your concern. I will survive their attacks. But I think their point of reference to the logo is correct. So I only want to compete and change the logo and change the openBVE license to BSD.

ginga81 commented 5 years ago

https://youtu.be/VYOz-gDbjOA As this video, when we are attempt to introduce about 'Another train' on Twitter, we are very persecutioned. Now, we are difficult to introduce on Twitter at Japan.

The community of mackoy's BVE's oldest creators say to us that when the OpenBVE released, the creator of OpenBVE's community (may be Japanese OpenBVE community's people) are very terrible attack to the mackoy's community. At the about several years ago, the first release of my data, I felt very dengelous.

But, as they say, the logomark is very like. When we are attempt to change to BSD, the logomark is better to change for the future. So we discussed and suggested.

As also say S520, we are going to survive from their atttacks.

I ask one question, why the project name cannot change to 'OpenBVE'? At your repository, the name is 'OpenBVE'. So I thought that it can change to the head from 'o' to 'O'.

cwfitzgerald commented 5 years ago

I am thinking of commissioning someone for the logo for bve-reborn, so I am more than willing to consider commissioning someone to redo OpenBVE's logo as well. This wouldn't happen immediately, but would hopefully help resolve this issue.

sladen commented 5 years ago

Prior to finding OpenBVE, I had been planning something under the name "Bellevue".

Feel free to add that (very old idea!) to the mix!