leftshift / python_mvg_api

Yet another library for fetching MVG departures.
MIT License
65 stars 18 forks source link

End of the line

Unfortunately, the API endpoint used by this library is no longer available (more details in #31). This repo is now archived.

As an alternative, consider https://github.com/mondbaron/mvg, which uses a newer API endpoint and supports async usage.

Thank you to everyone who used this library and contributed over the years! Bye!

Below follows the old readme:


A library for fetching departures, routes and service interruptions from Munich Transport Authority MVG, using the newer JSON-api on mvg.de

Get it on pypi:

pip install mvg-api

Then, import mvg_api.

To get the id for a particular Station, use something like mvg_api.get_id_for_station("Hauptbahnhof").

You can use this id for getting departures with mvg_api.get_departures(6) and use it as the start or end of a route.

Usage policy of the MVG api

From https://www.mvg.de/impressum.html:

[...] Die Verarbeitung unserer Inhalte oder Daten durch Dritte erfordert unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung. Für private, nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke, wird eine gemäßigte Nutzung ohne unsere ausdrückliche Zustimmung geduldet. Jegliche Form von Data-Mining stellt keine gemäßigte Nutzung dar.[...]

In other words: Private, noncomercial, moderate use of the API is tolerated. They don't consider data mining as moderate use.

(Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, this isn't legal advice)


Read the Documentation