leggedrobotics / raw_image_pipeline

Image processing pipeline for cameras that provide raw data
MIT License
31 stars 8 forks source link
debayer gamma-correction image-proc image-processing undistortion vignetting white-balance

RAW Image Pipeline

Image processing utilities used for cameras that provide RAW data, such as the Alphasense Core unit.

Maintainers: Matias Mattamala (matias@robots.ox.ac.uk)

Contributors: Matias Mattamala, Timon Homberger, Marco Tranzatto, Samuel Zimmermann, Lorenz Wellhausen, Shehryar Khattak, Gabriel Waibel

raw_image_pipeline overview


This source code is released under a MIT License.

raw_image_pipeline_white_balance relies on Shane Yuan's AutoWhiteBalance package licensed under GNU.

raw_image_pipeline_python relies on Pascal Thomet's cvnp, licensed under MIT as well.


Build Status



  1. raw_image_pipeline: ROS-independent implementation of the pipeline.
  2. raw_image_pipeline_python: Python bindings for raw_image_pipeline.
  3. raw_image_pipeline_ros: ROS interface to run the processing pipeline.
  4. raw_image_pipeline_white_balance: Additional white balance algorithm built upon Shane Yuan's code, based on Barron's (1, 2).


The package implements diferent modules that are chained together to process the RAW images. Each can be disabled and the image will be processed by the subsequent modules.

Detailed modules description ### Debayer Module This module demosaics a Bayer-encoded image into BGR values (following OpenCV's convention). It relies on OpenCV's methods for both CPU and GPU. **Parameters** - `debayer/enabled`: Enables the module. `True` by default - `debayer/encoding`: Encoding of the incoming image. `auto` uses the encoding field of the ROS message - Values: `auto`, `bayer_bggr8`, `bayer_gbrg8`, `bayer_grbg8`, `bayer_rggb8` ### Flip This flips the image 180 degrees. Just that. **Parameters** - `debayer/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default ### White Balance It automatically corrects white balance using different available algorithms. **Parameters** - `white_balance/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `white_balance/method`: To select the method used for automatic white balance - `simple`: from [OpenCV](https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/df/db9/namespacecv_1_1xphoto.html). Tends to saturate colors depending on the clipping percentile. - `grey_world`: from [OpenCV](https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/df/db9/namespacecv_1_1xphoto.html) - `learned`: from [OpenCV](https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/df/db9/namespacecv_1_1xphoto.html) - `ccc`: from `raw_image_pipeline_white_balance` package - `pca`: custom implementation - `white_balance/clipping_percentile`: Used in `simple` method - Values: between 0 and 100 - `white_balance/saturation_bright_thr`: Used in `grey_world`, `learned` and `ccc` methods - Values: Between 1.0 and 0.0. E.g. 0.8 means that all the values above 0.8*255 (8 bit images) are discarded for white balance determination. - `white_balance/clipping_percentile`: Used in `simple` method - Values: Between 1.0 and 0.0. E.g. 0.2 means that all the values below 0.2*255 (8 bit images) are discarded. - `white_balance/temporal_consistency`: Only for `ccc`. `False` by default. It uses a Kalman filter to smooth the illuminant estimate. ### Color calibration It applies a fixed affine transformation to each BGR pixel to mix and add a bias term to the color channels. It can be a replacement for the white balance module. - `color_calibration/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `color_calibration/calibration_file`: A YAML file with the color calibration matrix and bias. Example [file](raw_image_pipeline/config/alphasense_color_calib_example.yaml). This file can be obtained using a script in the `raw_image_pipeline_python` package: [`color_calibration.py`](raw_image_pipeline_python/scripts/color_calibration.py). To run it, we require a set of images capturing a calibration board ([example](raw_image_pipeline_python/config/color_calibration_checker.pdf)): a reference image `ref.png` ([example](raw_image_pipeline_python/config/color_ref.jpg)) and a collection of images from the camera to be calibrated. The usage is: ```sh color_calibration.py [-h] -i INPUT -r REF [-o OUTPUT_PATH] [-p PREFIX] [--loss LOSS] [--compute_bias] Performs color calibration between 2 images, using ArUco 4X4 optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT, --input INPUT Input image (to be calibrated), or folder with reference images -r REF, --ref REF Reference image to perform the calibration -o OUTPUT_PATH, --output_path OUTPUT_PATH Output path to store the file. Default: current path -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX Prefix for the calibration file. Default: none --loss LOSS Loss used in the optimization. Options: 'linear', 'soft_l1', 'huber', 'cauchy', 'arctan' --compute_bias If bias should be computed ``` > :warning: This feature is experimental and it is not recommended for 'serious' applications. ### Gamma correction It applies a gamma correction to improve illumination. **Parameters** - `gamma_correction/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `gamma_correction/method`: To select the method used for automatic white balance - `default`: correction from OpenCV (CUDA only) - `custom`: a custom implementation based on a look-up table. - `gamma_correction/k`: Gamma factor: >1 is a forward gamma correction that makes the image darker; <1 is an inverse correction that increases brightness. ### Vignetting correction It applies a polynomial illumination compensation to overcome the barrel effect of wide-angle lenses: `s * (r^2 * a2 + r^4 * a4)`, with `r` the distance to the image center. **Parameters** - `vignetting_correction/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `vignetting_correction/scale`: s value - `vignetting_correction/a2`: 2nd-order factor - `vignetting_correction/a4`: 4th-order factor > :warning: This feature is experimental and it is not recommended for 'serious' applications. ### Color enhancement It increases the saturation of the colors by transforming the image to HSV and applying a linear gain. **Parameters** - `vignetting_correction/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `vignetting_correction/saturation_gain`: A factor to increase the saturation channel of the HSV channel. ### Undistortion It undistorts the image follow a pinhole model. It requires the intrinsic calibration from Kalibr. - `color_calibration/enabled`: Enables the module. `False` by default - `color_calibration/calibration_file`: Camera calibration from Kalibr, following the format of the [example file](raw_image_pipeline/config/alphasense_calib_1.6mp_example.yaml)

Requirements and compilation


sudo apt install libyaml-cpp-dev
cd ~/git
git clone git@github.com:catkin/catkin_simple.git
git clone git@github.com:ethz-asl/glog_catkin.git
git clone git@github.com:leggedrobotics/pybind11_catkin.git
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
ln -s ../../git/catkin_simple .
ln -s ../../git/glog_catkin .
ln -s ../../git/pybind11_catkin .

If you need CUDA support, you need to build OpenCV with CUDA. Check the instructions below

Build raw_image_pipeline_ros

To build the ROS package:

catkin build raw_image_pipeline_ros

If you also need the Python bindings, run:

catkin build raw_image_pipeline_python

CUDA support

If you are using a Jetson or another GPU-enabled computer and want to exploit the GPU, you need to compile OpenCV with CUDA support. Clone the opencv_catkin package, which setups OpenCV 4.2 by default.

cd ~/git
git clone git@github.com:ori-drs/opencv_catkin.git
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
ln -s ../../git/opencv_catkin .
cd ~/catkin_ws

:warning: Before compiling, you need to confirm the compute capability of your NVidia GPU, which you can check in this website or the CUDA wikipedia page.

Compilation on Jetson Xavier board (compute capability 7.2)

catkin build opencv_catkin --cmake-args -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN=7.2
source devel/setup.bash

Compilation on Jetson Orin board (compute capability 8.7)

catkin build opencv_catkin --cmake-args -DCUDA_ARCH_BIN=8.7
source devel/setup.bash

Compilation on other platforms (e.g. laptops, desktops)

There are some extra considerations if you plan to compile OpenCV with CUDA in your working laptop/desktop:

  1. Compute capability may be different for your GPU: Please check the aforementioned websites to set the flag correctly.
  2. The opencv_catkin default flags are the minimum: Graphical support libraries (such as GTK) are disabled, so you cannot use methods such as cv::imshow. If you want to enable it, you can check the flags in the CMakeLists of opencv_catkin
  3. Default OpenCV version is 4.2: The package installs by default OpenCV 4.2, which was the version compatible with ROS melodic. This can be changed by modyfing the CMakeLists of opencv_catkin as well.

OpenCV's compilation will take a while - get a coffee in the meantime. When it's done, you can rebuild raw_image_pipeline_ros.


Run the node

To run, we use the same launch file as before:

roslaunch raw_image_pipeline_ros raw_image_pipeline_node.launch

This launchfile was setup for Alphasense cameras. The parameters can be inspected in the launch file itself.

Alphasense-specific info


Please refer to Alphasense Setup for the instructions to setup the host PC where the Alphasense will be connected. For further information you can refer the official manual.