Pandas 0.18 Pint
Zlatko's eBBQ setup tips for Eigenmode simulation
HFSS scripting interface in python
from hfss import get_active_project
proj = get_active_project()
design = proj.new_dm_design("Test")
from hfss import get_active_design
design = get_active_design()
bx = design.set_variable("Box_X", "3mm")
by = design.set_variable("Box_Y", "6mm")
bz = design.set_variable("Box_Z", "1mm")
modeler = design.modeler
modeler.draw_box_center([0,0,0], [bx, by, bz], material="silicon")
setup = design.create_dm_setup(freq_ghz=5)
sweep = setup.insert_sweep(4, 10, count=1000)
freqs, (S12, Y11) = sweep.get_network_data("S12,Y11")
fields = setup.get_fields()
Mag_E_Sq = fields.Mag_E ** 2
Surface_E = Mag_E_Sq.integrate_surf("Object Name")
print Surface_E.evaluate()
If your script terminates improperly, this can happen. pyHFSS tries to
catch termination events and handle them. Your safety should be
guaranteed however, if you call hfss.release()
when you have finished
pint - pip install pint pandas - conda install pandas
True: 1 junction method of Pj calculation based on U_H-U_E global.
Multi-junction calculation of energy participation ratio matrix based on <I_J>. Current is integrated average of J_surf by default: (zkm 3/29/16)
Will calculate the Pj matrix for the selected modes for the given junctions junc_rect array & length of juuncs
junc_rect = ['junc_rect1', 'junc_rect2'] name of junc rectangles to integrate H over
junc_len = [0.0001] specify in SI units; i.e., meters
junc_LJ_var_name = ['LJ1', 'LJ2']
pJ_method = 'J_surf_mag' - currently only 1 implemented - takes the avg. Jsurf over the rect. Make sure you have seeded lots of tets here. i recommend starting with 4 across smallest dimension.
Low dissipation (high-Q).
Right now, we assume that there are no lumped capcitors to simply calculations. Not required.
We assume that there are only lumped inductors, so that U_tot = U_E+U_H+U_L and U_C =0, so that U_tot = 2*U_E;
Results in:
self.PJ_multi_sol - a Pandas DataFrame of all the information
Other parameters:
seams = ['seam1', 'seam2'] (seams needs to be a list of strings)
variations = ['0', '1']