leichter / cwrx

(Old) Cinema6 API
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Cinema6 API services. Awesome. Totally. Awesome.

Development Quickstart


  1. Install Node. Currently (6/24/2015) cwrx is known to support Node v0.10; v0.12 may be compatible, but just in case, it may be best to download what our API servers use, v0.10.24.

  2. Install our dependencies:

    $ npm install
  3. (Optional) Install the pre-commit hook. This lints and unit-tests your code before every commit, so you don't need to wait for Jenkins to tell you that your pull request breaks everything. You may need to manually comment out the lines in .git/hooks/pre-commit if you ever need to push up WIP commits which don't pass linting and/or unit tests.

    $ grunt install_hook

Unit Tests

Unit tests are run with the grunt unit_tests command.

grunt watch will watch your files and rerun grunt jshint and grunt unit_tests.

End-to-End Tests

cwrx contains end-to-end tests that attempt to cover all outwardly-visible functionality of every API endpoint. Written using jasmine, they send requests to running services, and often manipulate running mongo databases.

The e2e tests are run like this:

$ grunt e2e_tests:<prefix> --testHost=<host> --dbHost=<dbHost> --cacheHost=<cacheHost>

The userSvc requires the existance of a system user sixxy. The e2e tests will fail if this user does not exist. In order to create it you can run the included sixxyUser.js script.

In order to run the services locally, you have a few options:

Use a Vagrant API machine:

Easiest initial setup.

This machine will have the cwrx services, mongo, and memcached all running, similar to our live servers. In this repo, run:

$ vagrant up

(This assumes you have Vagrant, Berkshelf, and VirtualBox installed)

By default, this will start the auth and maint services, and the services will run the latest code from master. You can set the CWRX_APP environment variable to a comma-separated list of service names, or 'all' for all services, to choose which services are installed, and you can set the CWRX_DEV_BRANCH to any ref that exists in the remote repo.

You can also use scripts/watchit.js to automatically sync local files to the vagrant machine. This script, run from the guest vagrant box, will watch cwrx lib and bin dirs for changes. When it finds a file has changed, it loops through a list of services it is managing, copies the changed file to the relevant service, and then restarts the service. This eliminates the need to push changes via github.

You can run the script yourself, from your dev box using this command line (note this example will restart the ads services when file changes are detected):

$ ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key vagrant@ 'sudo /usr/local/bin/node /vagrant/    scripts/watchit.js ads'

To kill ctrl-c and then run this

$ ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key vagrant@ 'sudo killall watchit'

Additionally, there are grunt tasks to facilitate this workflow:

Startup vagrant

$ grunt vagrant:up --service=ads

This will run vagrant up, setting CWRX_APPS environment variable to ads + other services it needs to be running. Once the vagrant box is up, it will run watchit, passing ads as its service.

Watch vagrant

$ grunt vagrant:watch --service=ads

This will just run the watchit script

Stop vagrant

$ grunt vagrant:halt

NOTE: If you are changing the services you are working on, running $ vagrant destroy before running $ grunt vagrant:up --service=ads might be prudent.

Use a Vagrant Mongo machine, run services locally:

Easier to control/customize services.

This allows you to easily and quickly setup a mongo database while giving you full control over the API services.

The best way to get a mongo machine running is to clone the c6mongo cookbook and run vagrant up inside it. By default, the created mongo instance will be running at and should have all the users installed that you'll need for the services.

In order to run a service locally, you'll need to setup a few things: