leifliddy / asahi-rocky-builder

Builds a minimal Rocky Linux image to run on Apple M1/M2 systems
MIT License
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Builds a minimal Rocky Linux image to run on Apple silicon systems

Installing a Prebuilt Image

Make sure to update your macOS to version 13.5 or later, then just pull up a Terminal in macOS and paste in this command:

curl https://leifliddy.com/rocky.sh | sh

Fedora Package Install

This image was built on a Fedora system

dnf install arch-install-scripts bubblewrap mkosi systemd-container zip



  1. The root password is rocky
  2. On the first boot the asahi-firstboot.service will run, selinux will be set to enforcing and the system will reboot.
  3. This project utilizes rebuilt packages from the Asahi Fedora Remix project

Setting up WiFi

NetworkManager is enabled by default.

To connect to a wireless network, use the following sytanx: nmcli dev wifi connect network-ssid

An actual example: nmcli dev wifi connect blacknet-ac password supersecretpassword

Wiping Linux

Bring up a Terminal in macOS and run the following Asahi Linux script:
sudo curl -L https://alx.sh/wipe-linux | sh
You should definitely understand what this script does before running it. You can find more info here:

Boot from USB device

Once Linux is installed, you can then boot a compatible usb drive via u-boot
This project will create a bootable Rocky Linux USB drive for Apple silicon systems:

Persistently set your battery charge threshold to 80%

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", KERNEL=="macsmc-battery", ATTR{charge_control_end_threshold}="80"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-battery.rules

Display and keyboard backlight

The light command can be used to adjust the screen and keyboard backlight.

light -s sysfs/leds/kbd_backlight -S 10
light -s sysfs/backlight/apple-panel-bl -S 50

Increase the terminal font size

On high-DPI displays, the terminal fonts (on the console) appear extremely small
To increase the size, edit /etc/vconsole.conf and specify a larger font size, such as:


Then update grub for the change to take effect

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg