leiweibau / Pi.Alert

Scan the devices connected to your WIFI / LAN and alert you the connection of unknown devices. It also warns if a "always connected" device disconnects. In addition, it is possible to check web services for availability. For this purpose HTTP status codes and the response time of the service are evaluated.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Feature Request] Scheduled backups #259

Closed johnny-tknoska closed 3 months ago

johnny-tknoska commented 5 months ago

Hi there again! As I mentioned before, thank you very much for your incredible work with this tool.

Would it be possible to add the following functionality?

An option that would allow making automatic Backups of the Config, DB, and Devices/Services CSV, in other words, the 3 backups that currently exist, and that could be scheduled for a specific time to execute (logically stopping all scans as I indicated in my previous message).

Thank you!

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

I would hold off from implementing an automatic cleanup of the backups, but make a note of this for the future.

The current implementation is as follows:

johnny-tknoska commented 3 months ago

Awesome! thanks so much. I really think it's a very nice feature and your implementation exceeds my expectations.

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

I made a "small" mistake. As I configured slightly different cronjobs in my development system, I made an incorrect statement.

The backup task is executed via the cronjob of the "internet_IP" function, so it can only be started every 3 minutes and not every minute. Only times every 3 minutes work here.

*/3  */2 *   * *   - ok
30   1   *   * *   - ok
*/15 4   */2 * *   - ok
10   2   */3 * *   - not ok
leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Update released with https://github.com/leiweibau/Pi.Alert/commit/8f9738669bbc3204d1804ab0cfd507d191ac71f0

johnny-tknoska commented 3 months ago

It works very well. Thank you very much!

Just one comment:

I noticed that when you do a manual backup, the .zip file created is owned by the www-data user, but with the new automatic backup feature, the file is owned by the pialert install user. I don't know if this is important or not for a possible DB recovery.

Also, in case you want to implement it in future releases, I have written a bash script for myself to clean up old backups.

My script looks like this:



files=($(ls -t $dbfolder/pialertdb*.zip 2>/dev/null))

if [ ${#files[@]} -gt $copies_to_maintain ]; then files_to_delete=("${files[@]:$copies_to_maintain}") for file in "${files_to_delete[@]}"; do sudo rm "$files" done else : fi

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

You have recognized this correctly. The manual backup is triggered by the web server, while the automatic backup is created by the user crontab, which leads to the different permissions. A small code adjustment should correct this.

I will certainly have to make one or two tweaks, as such implementations seem small at first, but in the end there are many other things involved.

Thank you for pointing this out. 👍

An automatic backup cleanup will be available in the near future. I just wanted to release this feature and a few other things first

johnny-tknoska commented 3 months ago

Hi! I think there's a bug in the cron interpretation for scheduled backups. Yesterday morning (04/16/2024) I set up the cron expression in Pi.Alert config for scheduled backups as follows: 03 19 /2 *

So backups have to be done at 19:03 on 04/17, 04/19, 04/21, etc., but I noticed that a backup was done at 19:03 on 04/16.

I will check to see if a backup is done on 04/18, because if it is, it's definitely a bug or maybe it's not possible to set cron expressions like this and then I will change it to do weekly backups, something like this: 03 19 0.

Please, let me know. Thanks!

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Thanks for the message. I thought I could run the crontab check with one function. However, contrary to the minutes, hours and day of the week, there is no 0 for days and months, which is why the job shifts by -1. I will fix that. It also somehow didn't look wrong that the even days were executed for */2.

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Update released with https://github.com/leiweibau/Pi.Alert/commit/91d0f5770f2498e084d0167b202029f841974e4c

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

I have set in the pialert.conf this two lines:


but no backup is done. Is the only configuration to make it works?

leiweibau commented 3 months ago


As you allready know, this means, every hour at Minute 0. Can you show me the "Internet / Speedtest / Updatecheck" log from this moment? You may have to wait a minute for the log to be created. Does the journal show that the cronjob was executed? Are you using an LXC environment for Pi.Alert?

johnny-tknoska commented 3 months ago


but no backup is done. Is the only configuration to make it works?

I guess the problem is that this cronjob does not get run at integer multiples of 3 minutes as required.

(# The shortest interval is 3 minutes. All larger intervals must be integer multiples of 3 minutes.)

Let's try for example 3 and I think it will work

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

"0" should actually also work. No multiplication is used for the calculation, instead a list is created with the values 0-59 and these are filtered in steps of 3. The limitation to 3min results from the cronjob that executes this script.

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Also note that a scan starts every 5 minutes, i.e. also "0", which is waited for before the backup starts. This is intentional and must be the case.

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago


As you allready know, this means, every hour at Minute 0. Can you show me the "Internet / Speedtest / Updatecheck" log from this moment? You may have to wait a minute for the log to be created. Does the journal show that the cronjob was executed? Are you using an LXC environment for Pi.Alert?

I'm not running any LXC env, i'm using Pi.Alert in raspbian (pizerow). In the journal there is no trace of the running backup and in the crontab i just have these lines.

0 3 * * 1      python3 $HOME/pialert/back/pialert.py update_vendors >$HOME/pialert/log/pialert.vendors.log  2>&1
*/3 * * * *    python3 $HOME/pialert/back/pialert.py internet_IP    >$HOME/pialert/log/pialert.IP.log       2>&1
*/5 * * * *    python3 $HOME/pialert/back/pialert.py 1              >$HOME/pialert/log/pialert.1.log        2>&1
0 2 * * */4    python3 $HOME/pialert/back/pialert.py cleanup        >$HOME/pialert/log/pialert.cleanup.log  2>&1

This is the log

Check Internet IP
    Timestamp: 2024-04-27 13:21:00

Retrieving Internet IP...

Retrieving previous IP...
    No changes to perform

Skipping Dynamic DNS update...

Auto Speedtest...
    Skipping Speedtest... Not activated!

Auto Update-Check...
    Crontab: 0 3,9,15,21 * * *
    Version Check function was NOT executed.

Auto Backup...
    Crontab: 0 * * * *
    Backup function was NOT executed.


I've removed the ip address.

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Thank you for your feedback. With your configuration, the log of, for example, 14:00 or 15:00 would be interesting. Nothing happens at 13:21 either 😉

I hope I haven't caused any confusion, but by journal I didn't mean the Linux journal, but the journal in Pi.Alert IMG_6523

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

Yes, i mean no trace of database backup in the pialert's journal. I just have this kind of entries:

2024-04-27    15:00:00 | Update Check | cronjob | No newer version found

Maybe i must manually add something to the crontab?

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Maybe i must manually add something to the crontab?

No, that is not necessary.

  1. Is this a new installation or an update?
  2. Is it possible to create a manual backup via the web interface?
  3. Please change AUTO_DB_BACKUP_CRON to '/3 ' (every 3 min) so that the waiting time to get a result is not so long.
  4. Did you saved the "Internet / Speedtest / Updatecheck" log from "2024-04-27 15:00:00", and can you show it to me? The difficulty lies in the fact that this log only appears approx. 30 seconds after the scans have been completed, because the script waits until they are finished.
  5. If you go to the console/terminal of the Pi.Alert host and enter the command "date", does the date and time match your current time?
  6. Does the directory "pialert/db/temp" exist and if so, what permissions does it have? What permissions does "pialert/db" have?
  7. Please execute this command in the directory "pialert/db/" sqlite3 pialert.db .backup ./temp/pialert.db. Does an error message appear?
graphixillusion commented 3 months ago
  1. update
  2. yes, manual backup from web interface is possible and it's working
  3. done
  4. sadly nope i didn't see the log at 15.00
  5. date matches
  6. the temp folder exist and have the permission drwxrwxr-x user:www-data
  7. this error appear: missing FILENAME argument on .backup

Now in the log i have

Auto Backup... Crontab: /3 * Backup function pending.

but no backup is done

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Sorry, i gave you the wrong command: sqlite3 pialert.db ".backup 'temp/pialert-test.db'"

Here is a brief "simplified" explanation of how the backup function works.

The backup is started via the cronjob */3 * * * * * python3 $HOME/pialert/back/pialert.py internet_IP. If "AUTO_DB_BACKUP" is set to True, the backup function is started, which also checks whether the time for the backup has been reached. While this function is running, it creates a file with the name ".backup" in the "pialert/back" directory. Regardless of whether a backup is created or not, this file is deleted again at the end of the function. In the case where the backup is to be created, but the scan is still running, the script waits and does not yet delete this file. The script recognizes whether a scan is running by the fact that it finds a ".scanning" file in the "pialert/back" directory, which should be deleted at the end of the scan. If the 3 minute cronjob is now started again while the script from the cronjob 3 minutes earlier is still waiting, the new cronjob now finds the .backup file and outputs the text "Backup function pending".

At this point I would now do the following.

  1. via Settings "Toggle Pi.Alert on/off" set the timer to e.g. 24h and switch off Pi.Alert.
  2. switch to the terminal and open the "pialert/back" directory
  3. execute ls -al. The two files .backup and .scanning may now appear here. Delete these two files.
  4. Now either restart or sudo killall python3.
  5. start Pi.Alert via Settings "Toggle Pi.Alert on/off".
graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

sqlite3 pialert.db ".backup 'temp/pialert-test.db'" <--- this command doesn't give any error.

I did some test and now i can say that the backup is performed only when:

  1. I stop Pi.Alert with the "Toggle Pi.Alert on/off" via Settings.
  2. I remove .backup and .scanning in the pialert/back directory
  3. I restart Pi.Alert with the "Toggle Pi.Alert on/off" via Settings.

Like this it will creates a backup a little while after the restart and then it stops again. It's something like .backup and .scanning files are always present.

Infact, in the status page i always have:

"scans currently running: (next scan in: xx:xx) and Auto-Backup Enabled / Pending

permissions of both .scanning and .backup files = -rw-r--r-- user:user

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Since it executes the function once, the script can obviously also delete the ".scanning" file. I would therefore rule out a problem with the permissions, at least for the time being. What is the creation date of the backup?

It is also possible that my instruction to set the backup time to '/3 ' has only now made things really bad. For example, take this configuration '0 12 *', stop Pi.Alert and delete the two files and see if it works now.

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

I did this modification but still doesn't work.

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

I admit that I'm a bit at a loss right now. If I was able to recreate your setup, I'm sure I could find out more, but unfortunately I don't have a Pi Zero.

Questions I still have would be:

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

I have just the arp-scan enabled in a /24 subnet, 9 devices in total in the network. The pialert.conf is pretty much the default one: the only modification i did is set --localnet --interface wlan0 to the arp-scan settings. No website monitoring or ICMP. The strange thing is that according to the status page the scan never stop in my case: i always have "scanning currently running" and the timer next to it saying next scan in ... When the timer stops the counter restarts from the beginning.

So i think a workaround would be a cron script that starts and temp disable the Pi.Alert scan, launch the backup and then restart the Pi.Alert scan. Which is the command that Pi.Alert launches for the autobackup job?

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

Which is the command that Pi.Alert launches for the autobackup job?

Basically it is this sqlite3 pialert.db ".backup 'temp/pialert.db'". This database is then compressed and given a file name containing the current date. If you have not done this before, the "pialert/db/temp" directory should also contain the pialert-test.db from before. You may have to complete the paths, depending on the "location" from which you want to run the script. E.g.: /usr/bin/sqlite3 /home/user/pialert/db/pialert.db ".backup '/home/user/pialert/db/temp/pialert.db'".

Please remember to set the auto-backup to False. Too bad I wasn't able to solve your problem

timer next to it saying next scan in ...

Ignore the timer. This is really just a time reference and has no relation to the actual scan.

I suspect that the scans are building up and therefore the backup cannot be created. To test this, you could, as a last attempt, open "pialert.py" in the "pialert/back" directory and in this line,


Set the value for "retry" to e.g. 3. This reduces the duration of the arp scans.

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

Sadly still nothing...

leiweibau commented 3 months ago

That is a pity. I'm really at a loss at the moment.

graphixillusion commented 3 months ago

For now i'm using a bash script with a crontab which runs every day at 6 am. The script stop the scan, make the backup and start the scan again.

graphixillusion commented 2 months ago

Since i'm using the backup scripts i haven't notification's badges about devices anymore. The only notifications i got are Pi.Alert is paused/Pi.Alert is reactivated. I didn't change anything else, just this one: https://github.com/leiweibau/Pi.Alert/issues/259#issuecomment-2081597208

Any clue?

leiweibau commented 2 months ago

You could run ./pialert-cli set_permissions in the pialert/back directory.

Another possibility would be to simply run the update script again. This will reset the changes to the pialert.py script.

graphixillusion commented 2 months ago

I've run the set_permissions command but still nothing, no notification about device's connect/disconnect

graphixillusion commented 2 months ago

I would like to report that i went super clean: i reinstalled everything from scratch including the OS. Everything's working now as it should.

leiweibau commented 2 months ago

I'm very happy to read that. Thanks for the feedback