lejsue / symbols-navigator

Symbols navigator for Atom.io
MIT License
13 stars 3 forks source link

Symbols Navigator package

Symbols navigator for Atom.io, using new universal-ctgas for parsing and adding public/protected/private visibility icons.

This package is fork from symbols-tree-view and symbols-tree-nav, but rewritten in Javascript and removed some functions.

=> tag-generator.js comes from tag-generator.coffee in symbols-view. and symbols-icon comes from symbols-tree-view.

Press ctrl + alt + o to open/close the Symbols Navigator.

Install with apm install symbols-navigator or use Install Packages from Atom Settings.

Symbols Navigator in Docks

In Atom 1.17, a new UI component called "docks" are introduced. Symbols Navigator is using this new feature, therefore it can be dragged to left or right side, as same as Tree View package.


Supported commands

Universal-ctags Version

Please find it in version.txt.


I'm a PHP developer, and have made the switch from Netbeans to Atom. I'm trying to make the behavior of this Symbols Navigator as close as possible. I'll list some good features for improvement.

Any suggestions, forks and commits are highly appreciated!

This problem seems to be due to the default setting in Universal-Ctags(https://github.com/universal-ctags/ctags/blob/master/parsers/jscript.c#L346), not easy to fix in symbols-navigator.

## License

This software is licensed under the MIT License.