lelandpaul / ringingroom

A space where socially-distanced ringers can practice together.
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 12 forks source link


A space where socially-distanced ringers can practice together.

Build instructions

Get the CSS set up with sass:

Get the DB set up with Flask:

You are now ready to run the server:

Environment Variables / Feature Flags

A feature flag is an environment variable used to enable or disable features at runtime. They enable the a given feature if they are set to 1. If they are not set or set to anything other than 1, the feature will be disabled.

Feature Flags

Other Enviroment Variables


Ringing Room supplies a basic API for use in 3rd-party apps.

Summary of Endpoints & Methods

Endpoint Method Description
/api/version GET Get API version information
/api/tokens POST Get bearer token
/api/tokens DELETE Revoke bearer token
/api/user GET Get current user details
/api/user POST Register new user
/api/user PUT Modify user settings
/api/user DELETE Delete user account
/api/user/reset_password POST Trigger password reset email
/api/user/keybindings GET Get keybindings
/api/user/keybindings POST Update keybinding
/api/user/keybindings DELETE Reset keybindings
/api/user/controllers GET Get motion controller parameters
/api/user/controllers POST Update motion controller parameters
/api/user/controllers DELETE Reset motion controller parameters
/api/my_towers GET Get all towers related to current user
/api/my_towers/<tower_id> PUT Toggle bookmark for tower_id
/api/my_towers/<tower_id> DELETE Remove tower_id from recent towers
/api/tower/<tower_id>/settings GET Get tower settings (if permitted)
/api/tower/<tower_id>/settings PUT Modify tower settings (if permitted)
/api/tower/<tower_id>/hosts POST Add hosts (if permitted)
/api/tower/<tower_id>/hosts DELETE Remove hosts (if permitted)
/api/tower/<tower_id> GET Get connection details for tower_id
/api/tower POST Create new tower
/api/tower/<tower_id> DELETE Delete tower (if permitted)


GET /api/version: Gets version information. Responds with the fields:


Initial authorization uses HTTP Basic Auth: POST to /api/tokens with the header Authorization: Basic <credentials>, where <credentials> is a base-64-encoded email:password. The response will include a bearer token valid for 24 hours.

All other endpoints (except POST /api/user for registering new users) require the header Authorization: Bearer <token>.


GET /api/user: Gets user details. Responds with a JSON including the fields username & email.

POST /api/user: Registers new user. Request must include a JSON with fields username, email, & password. Responds as per GET /api/user. (Does not require Bearer token.)

PUT /api/user: Modifies user details Request JSON may include new_username, new_email, new_password. Responds as per GET /api/user.

DELETE /api/user: Deletes user.

POST /api/user/reset_password: Must include an email field in the request JSON; if that email is associated with an account, an email will be sent to reset the password to that account. (Note: For security reasons, this endpoint will always respond with code 200 OK, no matter what email address was included.)

Keyboard & Controller parameters

GET /api/user/keybindings: Gets all keybindings. Responds with a JSON including fields for each function (e.g "Call Bob" or "Ring left-hand bell"), with values a list of keybindings. (See config.py for the default keybindings and a list of all fields this will return.)

POST /api/user/keybindings: Update a specific keybinding. Request must include a JSON with a single field named for one of the functions where the value is the complete list of keys bound to that function. Responds as per GET /api/user/keybindings.

DELETE /api/user/keybindings: Reset either a specific keybinding or all keybindings. Request must include a string which is either a) the name of a specific keybinding function or b) the special key ALL_KEYBINDINGS. Responds as per GET /api/user/keybindings.

GET /api/user/controllers: Gets all controller parameters. Responds with a JSON including fields for each parameter. See config.py for the default parameters and a list of all fields this will return.

POST /api/user/controllers: Update a specific controller parameter. Request must include a JSON with a single field named for one of the controller parameters. Responds as per GET /api/user/controllers.

DELETE /api/user/controllers: Resets all controller parameters. Requet body is ignored. Responds as per GET /api/user/controllers.


GET /api/my_towers: Gets all related towers:

    "928134567": {
        "bookmark": 0,
        "creator": 1,
        "host": 1,
        "recent": 1,
        "tower_id": 928134567,
        "tower_name": "Advent",
        "visited": "Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:45:54 GMT"
    "987654321": {
        "bookmark": 0,
        "creator": 0,
        "host": 0,
        "recent": 1,
        "tower_id": 987654321,
        "tower_name": "Old North",
        "visited": "Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:44:40 GMT"

PUT /my_towers/<tower_id>: Toggles the bookmark value for that tower. Responds as per GET /api/my_towers but with only the details for the requested tower.

DELETE /my_towers/<tower_id>: Removes the tower from the current user's recent towers. Responds as per GET /api/my_towers but with only the details for the requested tower.


GET /api/tower/<tower_id>: Gets connection information for the tower, including tower settings. Response JSON includes tower_id, tower_name, server_address, additional_sizes_enabled, host_mode_permitted, half_muffled, and fully_muffled.

POST /api/tower: Creates a new tower. Request JSON should include tower_name. Responds as per GET /api/tower/<tower_id>.

DELETE /api/tower/<tower_id>: Deletes the tower, if the current user has permission to do so.

GET /api/tower/<tower_id>/settings: Gets tower settings, if the current user has permission to modify them. Response JSON includes host_mode_enabled, tower_id, tower_name, and hosts, a list of objects containing email & username.

PUT /api/tower/<tower_id>/settings: Modifies tower settings, if the current user has permission to do so. Request JSON may include tower_name, permit_host_mode, additional_sizes_enabled, half_muffled, fully_muffled. Responds as per GET /api/tower/<tower_id>/settings.

POST /api/tower/<tower_id>/hosts: Adds new hosts, if the current user has permission to do so. Request JSON must include new_hosts, a list of email addresses. Responds as per GET /api/tower/<tower_id>/settings.

DELETE /api/tower/<tower_id>/hosts: Remove hosts, if the current user has permission to do so. Request JSON must include hosts, a list of email addresses. Responds as per GET /api/tower/<tower_id>/settings.

Connecting to a Tower

All communication between the API consumer and an individual tower should take place through SocketIO. The basic workflow for setting up communication is:

  1. Establish a connection with the server_address returned by GET /api/tower/<tower_id>.
  2. Emit c_join with a JSON payload containing tower_id, user_token (the Bearer token), and anonymous_user. At present, our API doesn't support anonymous users, so this should always have the value false.
  3. Listen for s_set_userlist, s_size_change, s_audio_change, s_host_mode, s_user_entered, and s_assign_user to set up the tower.
  4. Once you've set up the rope circle, emit c_request_global_state and listen for s_global_state to set the bells at back/hand.
  5. Ring!
  6. Emit c_user_left when leaving.


Communication between client & server is handled by Socket.IO events.

Events are prefixed by origin:

What follows is a incomplete list of events — these should be only the events relevant to an API consumer (i.e. where functionality is not duplicated elsewhere).

Event Payload Description
c_join {tower_id: Int, user_token: Str, anonymous_user: Bool} User joined a tower.
s_user_entered {user_id: Int, username: Str} Server relayed user entering.
c_user_left {user_name: Str, user_token: Str, anonymous_user: Bool, tower_id: Int} User left a tower.
s_user_left {user_id: Int, username: Str} (username is depricated) Server relayed user leaving.
c_request_global_state {tower_id: Int} Client requested tower state.
s_global_state {global_bell_state: [Bool]} Server sent current tower state.
s_set_userlist {user_list: [{user_id: Int, username: Str}]} Server set list of users in tower.
c_bell_rung {bell: Int, stroke: Bool, tower_id: Int} User rang a bell.
s_bell_rung {global_bell_state: [Bool], who_rang: Int, disagreement: Bool} Server relayed bell ringing.
c_assign_user {bell: Int, user: Int, tower_id: Int} User assigned someone to a bell.
s_assign_user {bell: Int, user: Int} Server sent bell assignment.
c_audio_change {new_audio: ("Tower" \| "Hand"), tower_id: Int} User changed audio type.
s_audio_change {new_audio: ("Tower" \| "Hand")} Server sent audio state.
c_host_mode {new_mode: Bool, tower_id: Int} User toggled host mode.
s_host_mode {tower_id: Int, new_mode: Bool} Server sent host mode.
c_size_change {new_size: Int, tower_id: Int} User changed tower size.
s_size_change {size: Int} Server sent tower size.
c_msg_sent {user: Str, email: Str, msg: Str, time: Date, tower_id: Int} User sent a chat.
s_msg_sent {user: Str, email: Str, msg: Str, time: Date, tower_id: Int} Server relayed chat.
c_call {call: Str, tower_id: Int} User made a call.
s_call {call: Str, tower_id: Int} Server relayed user call.
c_set_bells {tower_id: Int} User set all bells at hand.
s_bad_token (variable) The user send a bad bearer token. (Payload repeats whatever triggered this response.)


The integration of Wheatley into Ringing Room has added a number of extra SocketIO signals, used for keeping Wheatley in sync with the rest of Ringing Room. Some of these signals have custom types (RowGen and Settings), which are described in detail below the table.

Event Payload Description
s_set_wheatley_enabledness {enabled: Bool} Emitted by the server to the current users of a tower whenever the "Wheatley enabled" switch is changed in the tower settings
c_wheatley_setting {tower_id: Int, settings: Settings} (from a client) tells Wheatley to change one of its settings
s_wheatley_setting Settings (from the server) tells Wheatley to change one of its settings, and for all the clients to update their views of that setting. To prevent rubber-banding of controls, this signal will not be sent to the client that emitted the corresponding c_wheatley_setting signal.
c_wheatley_row_gen {tower_id: Int, row_gen: RowGen} (from a client) tells Wheatley to use different Row Generation settings next time a Look to is called.
s_wheatley_row_gen RowGen (from the server) tells Wheatley to use a new Row Generator, and for all the clients to update their views of that setting.
c_wheatley_is_ringing {tower_id: Int, is_ringing: Bool} sent from Wheatley to inform the other clients whether or not Wheatley thinks that people are ringing. This also locks or unlocks the row gen box.
s_wheatley_is_ringing {is_ringing: Bool} broadcast from the server after Wheatley sends c_wheatley_is_ringing
c_wheatley_stop_touch {tower_id: Int} tells the server to broadcast s_wheatley_stop_touch
s_wheatley_stop_touch {} broadcast by the server to tell Wheatley to stop ringing
c_reset_wheatley {tower_id: Int} tells the server to kill the current Wheatley instance(s). Used as a last-ditch way to reset Wheatley if he gets his knickers in a twist.
c_roll_call {tower_id: Int, instance_id: Int} sent by Wheatley instances in reply to Look To to say that they are ready to ring

The 'Settings' type

The Settings type is an object with 0 or more of the following properties:

sensitivity             : float; 0 <= x <= 1 (currently unused)
use_up_down_in          : Bool
stop_at_rounds          : Bool
peal_speed              : int; x >= 0
call_composition        : Bool

fixed_striking_interval : Bool (ignored by Wheatley, changes `peal_speed` when the tower size is changed)

The 'RowGen' type

The RowGen type is a JSON representation of the following structured enum (it's either a Method with a title, a stage, etc. or it's a Composition with a url and title):

enum RowGen {
    Method {
        title: String,
        stage: Int,
        notation: String,
        url: String,
        bob: Map<Int, String>,
        single: Map<Int, String>
    Composition {
        url: String,
        title: String

The Ints in the call maps correspond to indices within the lead, and the Strings are the place notations that should be made at that position. In JSON, the RowGen type corresponds to one of the following objects:

    type: "method",
    title: String,
    stage: Int,
    notation: String,
    url: String,
    bob: { Int: String },
    single: { Int: String }
/* or */
    type: "composition",
    url: String,
    title: String

Directory structure (abbreviated...)

├── README.md
├── app/
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── api/
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── auth.py
│   │   ├── errors.py
│   │   ├── tokens.py
│   │   └── routes.py
│   ├── email.py
│   ├── forms.py
│   ├── listeners.py
│   ├── models.py
│   ├── routes.py
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── audio/
│   │   │   ├── hand.ac3
│   │   │   ├── hand.json
│   │   │   ├── hand.m4a
│   │   │   ├── hand.mp3
│   │   │   ├── hand.ogg
│   │   │   ├── processed_audio/
│   │   │   ├── raw_audio/
│   │   │   ├── tower.ac3
│   │   │   ├── tower.json
│   │   │   ├── tower.m4a
│   │   │   ├── tower.mp3
│   │   │   └── tower.ogg
│   │   ├── audio.js
│   │   ├── bootstrap/
│   │   ├── dark-mode-switch/
│   │   ├── downloads/
│   │   ├── howler.core.min.js
│   │   ├── images/
│   │   │   ├── dncb.png
│   │   │   ├── favicon
│   │   │   ├── h-backstroke.png
│   │   │   ├── h-handstroke-treble.png
│   │   │   ├── h-handstroke.png
│   │   │   ├── logo.png
│   │   │   ├── t-backstroke.png
│   │   │   ├── t-handstroke-treble.png
│   │   │   ├── t-handstroke.png
│   │   ├── landing.js
│   │   ├── my_towers.js
│   │   ├── ringing_room.js
│   │   └── sass/
│   │       ├── circle.scss
│   │       ├── global_design.scss
│   │       ├── ringing_room.scss
│   │       └── static.scss
│   └── templates/
│       ├── _code_of_conduct.html
│       ├── _news_toast.html
│       ├── _privacy_policy.html
│       ├── _user_menu.html
│       ├── about.html
│       ├── authenticate.html
│       ├── base.html
│       ├── blog.html
│       ├── code_of_conduct.html
│       ├── contact.html
│       ├── donate.html
│       ├── email/
│       │   ├── reset_password.html
│       │   └── reset_password.txt
│       ├── help.html
│       ├── landing_page.html
│       ├── my_towers.html
│       ├── news/
│       ├── reset_password.html
│       ├── reset_password_request.html
│       ├── ringing_room.html
│       ├── tower_settings.html
│       └── user_settings.html
├── config.py
├── logs/
├── migrations/
├── requirements.txt
└── ringingroom.py