lencinhaus / androjena

porting of Jena to Android
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Androjena is a porting of Apache's (formerly Hewlett-Packard's) Jena semantic web framework to the Google Android platform.

If you just want to use Androjena inside your Android project, please download the latest binary release, and follow the instructions inside the README file. See the Jena documentation for usage.

If you just want to run Androjena test suite on your device, please download the latest testing application package and install it on your device/emulator.

If you want to (modify and) build Androjena source code, please follow the instructions in the Wiki.

If you need ARQ (SPARQL Query Engine, see website) in your Android project, you can use our ARQoid porting, but remember it's still under development. You can find the latest binary release under the releases section. See ARQ documentation for usage.

If you need TDB (SPARQL Database, see website) in your Android project, you can use our TDBoid porting, but remember it's still under development. You can find the latest binary release under the releases section. See the TDB documentation for usage.