lens-protocol / lens-sdk

The official SDK to interact with the Lens Protocol
MIT License
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The official SDK for the [Lens Protocol](https://www.lens.xyz/) 🌿. - [Documentation](#documentation) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Setup](#setup) - [Running tests](#running-tests) - [Deduplicating dependencies](#deduplicating-dependencies) - [Releasing new version](#releasing-new-version) - [License](#license) - [Support](#support) ## Documentation All Lens Protocol documentation, including this SDK documentation can be found at: https://docs.lens.xyz/docs - [Introduction](https://docs.lens.xyz/docs/sdk-react-intro) - [Getting Started](https://docs.lens.xyz/docs/sdk-react-getting-started) - [Playground](https://lens-sdk-example-web-wagmi.vercel.app/) ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change (issues template will be provided) ### Setup Install monorepo dependencies by running this command in the root of the project: ```bash pnpm install ``` Still in the root of the project, run the following command to build the packages: ```bash pnpm build ``` ### Running tests To run the tests for all packages, run the following command in the repo root: ```bash pnpm test ``` ## Releasing new version Release flow is managed by [changesets](https://github.com/changesets/changesets). All publishable monorepo packages follow [`fixed`](https://github.com/changesets/changesets/blob/main/docs/fixed-packages.md) versioning scheme to keep things simple. To release a new version follow the steps below: 1. Document new public facing changes during development. ```bash pnpm changeset add ``` The command will ask a series of questions related to the introduced changes and the version bump that's required to follow semver range. 2. Once ready to do a release make sure that all libs are properly built (`dist` folders have the most up-to-date code) and the tests/lints are passing. ```bash ## run all from monorepo root pnpm build pnpm test pnpm lint ``` 3. Update relevant `package.json`'s versions and update `CHANGELOG.md` for each package. ```bash pnpm changeset version ``` 4. Review and commit new release. Create a PR to `main`. 5. Once all the steps above are done we are ready to publish a new release to the registry _Note: Before publishing make sure that you are logged in to the correct npm account (run `pnpm whoami`). If not, follow prompts from `pnpm login`._ ```bash pnpm changeset publish ``` _Note: Because this command assumes that the last commit is the release commit, you should not commit any changes between calling version and publish._ 6. Don't forget to push git tags after publishing to registry. ```bash git push --follow-tags ``` 7. It's important that the last commit, from which the release was made and the git tags are associated with, is correctly merged to the `main` branch. Use `"Create a merge commit"` option when merging the release branch to the `main`. 8. Finally, to avoid any differences between merge commit hashes, merge `main` to `develop` branch. ## License Lens SDK is [MIT licensed](./LICENSE) ## Support See the Lens API and SDK channel on our [Discord](https://discord.gg/lensprotocol)