leo4048111 / Potato-Injector

An up-to-date, undetected & user-friendly CS:GO/CS2/Universal Game injector with VAC bypass and ImGui menu.
MIT License
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d3dx9.h missing #6

Closed mildnsj closed 8 months ago

mildnsj commented 8 months ago

Just can't find a way to solve it, WIN11, directx12 installed, cant find a path for directx, and none of the commands or changing VC++ directories work.

leo4048111 commented 8 months ago

Have you installed DirectX Software Development Kit and set environment variable DXSDK_DIR to its installation directory?

mildnsj commented 8 months ago

Fixed, I don't know what the f**k was my computer doing, I switched to c++20 and then switch back and it all worked fine. IDK wtf happend