leonardo-montes / Unity-ECS-Job-System-SPH

Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job System performances.
MIT License
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Unity (ECS/Job System) SPH

Implementation of the SPH Algorithm (fluid simulation) in Unity, comparing singlethread and ECS/Job System performances.

Updated to Unity 2019.2!

More info in this article: https://medium.com/@leomontes_60748/how-to-implement-a-fluid-simulation-on-the-cpu-with-unity-ecs-job-system-bf90a0f2724f

How to:

You can select the scene from 'Assets/Scenes'. Once in the scene, you can hit play to see the simulation. You can change some settings in the script from the MANAGER GameObject.



ECS, Job system: