leonid-ed / lj-dl

LiveJournal Downloader
MIT License
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LiveJournal Downloader

These tools download pages of livejournal in HTML format including images and userpics in order to create one HTML page for each post with all the comments unrolled on the disk.


This tool accepts 2 arguments:

It downloads a calendar page of a given year, looks for a proper year calendar parser, then downloads all calendar pages of days with posts published (one by one), looks for a proper day calendar parser, then obtains all post links and prints them to STDOUT in the following format:

<post_date1> <post_link1>
<post_date1> <post_link2>
<post_date2> <post_link3>
<post_date3> <post_link4>

Debug logging is printed to STDERR, so can be easily filtered.

For now the script supports only Minimalism style, so if you need other styles, you can extend this script with new parsers and add their support to the functions get_year_calendar_parser and and get_day_calendar_parser.

Example of usage:

$ python lj-get-post-links-for-year.py https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/81756.html 2019 | tee danwalsh_2019.txt
ljuser: 'danwalsh'
Downloading content of 'https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/2019/'... [626980]
Parsing the page 'https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/2019/'...
Downloading content of 'https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/2019/02/20/'... [628650]
Downloading content of 'https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/2019/05/21/'... [627968]
2019-02-20 https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/81480.html
2019-05-21 https://danwalsh.livejournal.com/81756.html


The tool downloads livejournal posts and comments in HTML format (including images and userpics) and creates json files to keep their structure on the disk.

Requirements: aiohttp, asyncio

For now it supports only livejournal posts that have is_version2 version (you can it find in the source of the page. Otherwise you will get an error:

Error: Parsing failed (no author in json content)

Example of usage:

$ python lj-dl.py https://<user_name>.livejournal.com/1234567.html

# or

$ cat danwalsh_2019.txt | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n 1 python lj-dl.py 2>&1 | tee danwalsh_2019.log

After the tool finishes you will have a directory with <user_name> name containing the downloaded files.


The tool is to create HTML pages based on downloaded files.

Example of usage:

python3 lj-cv.py <user_name>

After the tool finishes you will have a subdirectory html in <user_name> containing the generated HTML-files.

Install requirements

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt