leosanbu / pyngoST

pyngoST: multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae for large assembly collections
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pyngoST: multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae assembly collections

pyngoST unifies molecular typing for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. By providing genome assemblies in fasta format, pyngoST can extract up to three typing schemes (NG-STAR, MLST and NG-MAST) and two modifications (NG-STAR Clonal Complexes and NG-MAST Genogroups). These schemes are detailed below:

pyngoST is written in python3 and uses the pyahocorasick library for fast simultaneous multi-loci search in N. gonorrhoeae genomes.

First, a database is built that contains updated fasta files with all the known alleles for 7 NG-STAR, 7 MLST and 2 NG-MAST loci as well as the known NG-STAR, MLST and NG-MAST profiles up to the building of the database. Then, a simultaneous screening of all loci is performed on the input assembly files (in FASTA) format using the Aho-Corasick string-searching algorithm.


I recommend to create a python3 virtual environment and install pyngoST using pip.

## Create and activate a virtual environment (i.e. `venv` or any other name):
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

## Install pyngoST using pip install on the latest distribution
pip install pyngoST

Activate the virtual environment whenever you want to use pyngoST. Exit the virtual environment by running deactivate:

## Activate virtualenv
source venv/bin/activate

## Run pyngSTar

## Exit virtualenv

NOTE: After installing with pip, the package can be run from /Users/username/venv/lib/python3.X/site-packages/pyngoST/pyngoST.py. You can add it to your PATH or create an alias to use it more easily, as in:

alias pyngoST.py="/Users/username/venv/bin/python3 /Users/username/venv/lib/python3.X/site-packages/pyngoST/pyngoST.py"

Bulding the database

You can download updated allele and profiles files for the three schemes using -d. NG-STAR alleles and profiles will be downloaded and adapted from NG-STAR Canada). MLST and NG-MAST alleles and profiles will be downloaded from PubMLST Neisseria. By default, it will create the database under the allelesDB folder if it does not exist in the working directory. You can provide a database name with -n. If a CSV file containing NG-STAR CCs is included with -cc, CCs will be integrated into the database.

## Create the database as 'allelesDB'
pyngoST.py -d

## Create the database with another name
pyngoST.py -d -n othernameDB

## Create the database with another name and include NG-STAR CCs
pyngoST.py -d -n othernameDB -cc NGSTAR_CCs.csv

During the creation of the database, a dictionary containing all alleles of all loci is saved as a pickle file, which will be loaded every time pyngoST is run.

Updating the database

If you choose to manually modify any of the files in the database and/or you want to include NG-STAR CCs (not previously included when the database was downloaded), you need to update the existing pickle file in the database with -u. Use -p to specify the path to the existing database.

## Update the pickle file in the database
pyngoST.py -u -p /path/to/allelesDB

## Incorporate NG-STAR CCs and update the pickle file in the database
pyngoST.py -u -p /path/to/allelesDB -cc NGSTAR_CCs.csv

Available options

usage: pyngoST [options]

pyngoST: fast, simultaneous and accurate multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome collections

    Sanchez-Buso L, Sanchez-Serrano A, Golparian D and Unemo M.
    pyngoST: fast, simultaneous and accurate multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome collections.
    Preprint: https://doi.org/10.1099/mgen.0.001189
    GitHub: https://github.com/leosanbu/pyngoST

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT [INPUT ...], --input INPUT [INPUT ...]
                        Input files (fasta or tab/csv)
  -r READ_FILE, --read_file READ_FILE
                        File containing the paths to the input files
  -s SCHEMES, --schemes SCHEMES
                        Typing schemes to query separated by commas (options: NG-STAR, MLST, NG-MAST) (default=NG-STAR)
  -g, --genogroups      Calculate NG-MAST genogroups from NG-MAST types (default=False)
  -c, --ngstarccs       Include NG-STAR CCs in output table (default=False)
  -m, --mosaic_pena     Report if the penA allele sequence is a mosaic or semimosaic (default=False)
  -b, --blast_new_alleles
                        Use blastn to find the closest alleles to new ones (default=False)
  -a, --alleles_out     Print fasta files with new alleles (optional, default=False)
  -q OUT_PATH, --out_path OUT_PATH
                        Path used to save output files (default: current directory)
  -o OUT_FILENAME, --out_filename OUT_FILENAME
                        Name of file to print the results table to (optional, default=screen output)
  -y ONLY_ASSIGNCCS, --only_assignccs ONLY_ASSIGNCCS
                        Only assign CCs from a table with NG-STAR STs. Indicate as value the number of the column that contains the STs (optional, default=None)
  -z, --only_assignsts  Only assign STs from a table with NG-STAR, MLST and/or NG-MAST profiles (optional, default=None)
  -t NUM_THREADS, --num_threads NUM_THREADS
                        Number of processes to use for computation (optional, default=1)
  -p PATH, --path PATH  Path to database containing MLST/NG-STAR alleles and profiles. If not available, use -d to create an updated database
  -d, --download_db     Download updated allele and profile files and create database
  -n DB_NAME, --db_name DB_NAME
                        Name of the folder that will contain the database in case a download is requested with -d (default=allelesDB in working directory)
  -u, --update          Only recreate the database pickle file
                        File with the NG-STAR clonal complexes (NG-STAR CCs) database (csv) to integrate to NG-STAR profiles
Option Description
-i list of assembly files (* can be used to input multiple files in a directory).
-r text file containing a list of paths to assembly files.
-s schemes to query and report: NG-STAR,MLST,NG-STAR or any combination/order separated by commas.
-g calculate NG-MAST genogroups from NG-MAST typing using the rules described in Harris et al, 2018.
-c report NG-STAR Clonal Complexes from NG-STAR STs in the final results table.
-m report the type of penA mosaicism (mosaic, semi-mosaic or non-mosaic).
-b blast new alleles to identify the closest among the known ones.
-a save new alleles to output fasta files.
-o name of output file where to save the results table. By default, results will print to the screen.
-q path where to save results if different from the working directory.
-y only call NG-STAR Clonal Complexes from a table of NG-STAR STs. Specify the number of column containing the STs.
-z only assign STs from a table containing allelic profiles of any of NG-STAR, MLST and NG-STAR (specify with -s).
-t number of threads for multithreading the main processing function from fasta files.
-p path to the database file to be used by pyngoST.
-d download allele and ST profile files and create the database.
-n name of the database folder if different from allelesDB.
-u update the database by recreating the pickle file.
-cc input CSV file containing the NG-STAR Clonal Complexes database.

Running pyngoST from fasta files

The main feature of pyngoST is to extract molecular typing information from N. gonorrhoeae assembly files. Input files can be indicated with -i directly or inside a text file, which can be read by pyngoSTusing -r. The path to the database is specified with -p and the typing schemes requested with -s (any of NG-STAR, NG-MAST and/or MLST in any order). Examples are shown below, including other options.

By default, if -s is not specified, only NG-STAR STs will be reported. Use -r filelist.txt with a text containing the paths to multiple fasta files instead of -i *.fasta.

pyngoST.py -i *.fasta -p /path/to/allelesDB 

Any of the NG-STAR, MLST and NG-MAST schemes can be requested with -s in any order. This order will be also used for the output table. NG-STAR CCs can be included into the reported table with -c and NG-MAST genogroups can be calculated with -g. Please note that genogroups calculation is computationally expensive for large datasets.

pyngoST.py -i *.fasta -p /path/to/allelesDB -s MLST,NG-MAST,NG-STAR -c -g

The output table for -s MLST,NG-MAST,NG-STAR -c -g looks like the following, including the columns Genogroup after the NG-MAST profile and NG-STAR_CC after the NG-STAR profile:

strain  MLST    abcZ    adk aroE    fumC    gdh pdhC    pgm NG-MAST POR TBPB    Genogroup   NG-STAR penA    mtrR    porB    ponA    gyrA    parC    23S NG-STAR_CC
31919_4_101.fasta   8135    59  39  67  156 188 153 133 387 266 118 G387    3658    15.001  424 100 100 100 2   100 CC893
31919_4_12.fasta    11975   59  39  762 111 188 71  223 13571   7834    16  G2  84  22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 CC352
31919_4_16.fasta    9363    126 39  67  238 148 153 133 12302   908 267 G12302  168 2.001   39  11  100 7   4   100 CC168
31919_4_17.fasta    11975   59  39  762 111 188 71  223 2   2   16  G2  84  22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 CC352

Use -o <outfilename> to save output to file.

Blasting new allele sequences

Blasting of new alleles to find the closest among the known ones can be requested with -b. These new alleles can be saved to fasta files with -a.

pyngoST.py -i *.fasta -p /path/to/allelesDB -s MLST,NG-MAST,NG-STAR -b -a

New alleles will be saved to individual .fasta files ending in <input_file>.<locus_name>.fasta. As an example, a new abcZ allele of the MLST scheme will be saved as 32386_1_293.fasta.abcZ.fasta and contains the following sequence:


The structure of the sequence name is as follows:


where the coordinates indicate the exact position in the contig where this sequence was extracted.

New allelic sequences and STs should be submitted to curators at PubMLST Neisseria or NG-STAR Canada for assignment.

Running pyngoST from csv/tab files

pyngoST has two extra functionalities that result from common procedures used in molecular epidemiology of N. gonorrhoeae:

Get STs from allelic profiles

To run pyngoST from a table of allelic profiles use -z. Specify the typing schemes to look at with -s and include -c if NG-STAR CCs are also requested.

pyngoST.py -i testassignSTs.tsv -p /path/to/allelesDB -z -s MLST,NG-MAST,NG-STAR -c

The example testassignSTs.tsv file looks like:

strain  penA    mtrR    porB    ponA    gyrA    parC    23S abcZ    adk aroE    fumC    gdh pdhC    pgm POR TBPB
31919_4_101.fasta   15.001  424 100 100 100 2   100 59  39  67  156 188 153 133 266 118
31919_4_12.fasta    22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 59  39  762 111 188 71  223 7834    16
31919_4_16.fasta    2.001   39  11  100 7   4   100 126 39  67  238 148 153 133 908 267
31919_4_17.fasta    22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 59  39  762 111 188 71  223 2   16

And the output file will contain a MLST, NG-MAST, NG-STAR and NG-STAR_CCs columns as requested:

strain  MLST    abcZ    adk aroE    fumC    gdh pdhC    pgm NG-MAST POR TBPB    NG-STAR penA    mtrR    porB    ponA    gyrA    parC    23S NG-STAR_CC
31919_4_101.fasta   8135    59  39  67  156 188 153 133 387 266 118 3658    15.001  424 100 100 100 2   100 CC893
31919_4_12.fasta    11975   59  39  762 111 188 71  223 13571   7834    16  84  22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 CC352
31919_4_16.fasta    9363    126 39  67  238 148 153 133 12302   908 267 168 2.001   39  11  100 7   4   100 CC168
31919_4_17.fasta    11975   59  39  762 111 188 71  223 2   2   16  84  22.001  15  100 100 100 7   100 CC352


To only call NG-STAR CCs from a table containing a column with NG-STAR STs use -y <column_number>, where <column_number> is the number of the column (starting from 1) in the table that contains the NG-STAR STs. The -c option is also requested to activate the search of NG-STAR CCs.

pyngoST.py -i testNGSTAR.tsv -p /path/to/allelesDB -c -y 2

The example testNGSTAR.tsv file looks like:

strain  NG-STAR penA    mtrR    porB    ponA    gyrA
31919_4_101.fasta   3658    15.001  424 100 100 100
31919_4_12.fasta    84  22.001  15  100 100 100
31919_4_16.fasta    168 2.001   39  11  100 7
31919_4_17.fasta    84  22.001  15  100 100 100

And the output table will have an appended column containing the NG-STAR CCs:

strain  NG-STAR penA    mtrR    porB    ponA    gyrA    NG-STAR_CC
31919_4_101.fasta   3658    15.001  424 100 100 100 CC893
31919_4_12.fasta    84  22.001  15  100 100 100 CC352
31919_4_16.fasta    168 2.001   39  11  100 7   CC168
31919_4_17.fasta    84  22.001  15  100 100 100 CC352

In both -y and -z modes, the input file can also be comma-separated (CSV). The output results will show using the same separator than the input files.

Use -o <outfilename> to save output to file.


pyngoST was conceived to be a fast command line tool for molecular typing of N. gonorrhoeae genome collections. When using it on a large number of fasta files, some tasks can be computationally expensive, such as blasting new alleles to existing ones or, especially, calculating NG-MAST genogroups, which compromise speed. To overcome this, pyngoST includes multithreading using the concurrent.futures module.

Multithreading is applied to the process_files() function, which, for each input fasta file, finds exact matches of existing alleles for all loci of the three schemes using pyahocorasick, blasts new alleles if requested, and assigns STs from allele profiles.

Please note that only computationally intensive tasks are worth multithreading, such as combining the blasting of new alleles with the calculation of NG-MAST genogroups. You can multithread using -t <number of threads, i.e:

## Run pyngoST on 400 FASTA files requesting the blasting of new alleles with -b and genogroups calculation with -g on 8 threads
pyngoST.py -i /path/to/400genomes/*.fasta -p /path/to/allelesDB -s MLST,NG-MAST,NG-STAR -c -g -b -t 8

The request of NG-STAR CCs with -c is not a calculation but only a query of the existing database and it does not add significantly more computation time compared to not requesting CCs.


If you use pyngoST or integrate it into your pipelines and use it in a scientific publication, we would appreciate if you could cite our work:

Sánchez-Busó L, Sánchez-Serrano A, Golparian D, Unemo M. pyngoST: fast, simultaneous and accurate multiple sequence typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae genome collections. Microb Genom. 2024 Jan;10(1):001189. doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.001189. PMID: 38288762; PMCID: PMC10868605.