lepathie / AMe-Forum

A forum engine built on top of Angular and Meteor.
MIT License
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A forum engine built on top of Angular and Meteor.

Table of Contents


We'd like to introduce this project to you in a few sentences.

What this does

This angular-meteor based forum runs a webpage where multiple users can interact in multiple sub-forums via the creation of threads and posts in said threads.
Similar to what you'd see on Reddit.

Why we chose to create a new forum-software

Since we had to create a forum from scratch as a school project this is what we've come up with.

Before you start

  1. Make sure you have meteor installed on your system. (How to install meteor)
    Meteor comes packed with an integrated version of npm that you can use whith $ meteor npm.
  2. Make sure you install the dependencies with $ npm install.
  3. Run the project with $ meteor.
  4. Have fun! 😀

NPM Scripts

This project comes with predefined NPM scripts, defined in package.json:

Project Contents

This projects contains the basics that are required for a Angular-Meteor application.

This package contains:

Conceptional design

The conceptional design can be found here. All future components should follow the design language specified there.


By default there are multiple users and forums:

Default users

Username Password Role
user@user.de sh7up#KT! User (default role)
admin@admin.de sh7up#KT! Admin
mod@mod.de sh7up#KT! Moderator

Default forums

Name Description
General Introduction for new users and general rules.
Help Contains tutorials on usage of the forums.

Folder Structure

The folder structure is a mix between Angular 2 recommendation and Meteor 1.3 recommendation.


The client folder contains single TypeScript (.ts) file which is the main file (/client/main.ts), and bootstrap's the Angular application.

The main component uses HTML template and SASS file.

The main.html file is the main HTML which loads the application by using the main component selector (<angular-app>).

All the other client files are under client/imports and organized by the context of the components.


The server folder contain single TypeScript (.ts) file which is the main file (/server/main.ts), and creates the main server instance, and the starts it.

All other server files should be located under /server/imports.


The imports folder contains the common files for both server and client. Example for common files in our app, is the MongoDB collection we create - it's located under /imports/collections/forums.ts and it can be imported from both client and server code.


The public folder contains the files, that are fleely accessible over HTTP. This f.e. contains the en.json language file at public\assets\i18n\en.json.


The testing environment in this project based on Meteor recommendation, and uses Mocha as testing framework along with Chai for assertion.