lerch-a / HaplotypR

GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 5 forks source link


HaplotypR is a program for analysis of Amplicon-Seq genotyping experiments. HaplotypR provides a Shiny interface for simpler data analysis.

The HaplotypR project was developed by Anita Lerch. A paper with more details about the program is available from:


HaplotypR is distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.



To install HaplotypR start R and first install ShortRead by typing:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

Then install devtools by typing


and install Rswarm, Rvsearch, (NGmergeR) and HaplotypR by typing

path <- file.path(tempfile(pattern="Rswarm-"), "Rswarm")
dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)
repo <- clone("https://github.com/lerch-a/Rswarm.git", path)
clone("https://github.com/torognes/swarm.git", file.path(path, "src", "swarm"))

path <- file.path(tempfile(pattern="Rvsearch-"), "Rvsearch")
dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)
repo <- clone("https://github.com/lerch-a/Rvsearch.git", path)
clone("https://github.com/torognes/vsearch.git", file.path(path, "src", "vsearch"))

path <- file.path(tempfile(pattern="NGmergeR-"), "NGmergeR")
dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)
repo <- clone("https://github.com/lerch-a/NGmergeR.git", path)
clone("https://github.com/jsh58/NGmerge", file.path(path, "src", "NGmerge"))

detach("package:HaplotypR", unload=TRUE)

Run HaplotypR on R command line


Copy example files to a working directory 'outputDir':

# Define output directory 
outputDir <- "exampleHaplotypR"  
# Create output directoy
  dir.create(outputDir, recursive=T)

# Copy example files to output directory
file.copy(from=system.file(package="HaplotypR", "extdata"), to=".", recursive = T)

# List files example files in output direcoty

The following files should be listed with the last R command: "barcode_Fwd.fasta", "barcode_Rev.fasta", "markerFile.txt", "readsF.fastq.gz", "readsR.fastq.gz", "sampleFile.txt".

Run demultiplexing by sample and rename output files

# set input file path
primerFile <- "extdata/markerFile.txt"
sampleFile <- "extdata/sampleFile.txt"
fnBarcodeF <- "extdata/barcode_Fwd.fasta"
fnBarcodeR <- "extdata/barcode_Rev.fasta"
reads <- list.files("extdata", pattern="reads", full.names = T)

# create output subdirectory 
outDeplexSample <- file.path(outputDir, "dePlexSample")

# demultiplex by samples
dePlexSample <- demultiplexReads(reads[1], reads[2], fnBarcodeF, fnBarcodeR, outDeplexSample)

# rename output files to sample files
sampleTab <- read.delim(sampleFile, stringsAsFactors=F)
dePlexSample <- renameDemultiplexedFiles(sampleTab, dePlexSample)

# save summary table
write.table(dePlexSample, file.path(outputDir, "demultiplexSampleSummary.txt"), sep="\t", row.names=F)

Run demultiplex by marker and truncate primer sequence

# create output subdirectory 
outDeplexMarker <- file.path(outputDir, "dePlexMarker")

# process each marker
markerTab <- read.delim(primerFile, stringsAsFactors=F)
dePlexMarker <- demultiplexByMarker(dePlexSample, markerTab, outDeplexMarker)

# save summary table
write.table(dePlexMarker, file.path(outputDir, "demultiplexMarkerSummary.txt"), sep="\t", row.names=F)

Fuse paired reads. Two methods are provided for fusing paired reads. First method works for non overlapping sequence read pairs. Trim to a fixed length (removes low quality bases) and then concatenate forward and reverse read.

# create output subdirectory 
outProcFiles <- file.path(outputDir, "processedReads")

# Trim options
numNtF <- 190
numNtR <- 120
postfix <- sprintf("_bind%.0f_%.0f", numNtF, numNtR)

# Adjust reference to trim options and save as fasta file
refSeq <- as.character(markerTab$ReferenceSequence)
refSeq <- DNAStringSet(paste(substr(refSeq, 1,numNtF), substr(refSeq, nchar(refSeq)+1-numNtR, nchar(refSeq)), sep=""))
names(refSeq) <- markerTab$MarkerID
lapply(seq_along(refSeq), function(i){
  writeFasta(refSeq[i], file.path(outputDir, paste(names(refSeq)[i], postfix, ".fasta", sep="")))

# Fuse paired read
procReads <- bindAmpliconReads(as.character(dePlexMarker$FileR1), as.character(dePlexMarker$FileR2), outProcFiles, 
                         read1Length=numNtF, read2Length=numNtR)
procReads <- cbind(dePlexMarker[,c("SampleID", "SampleName","BarcodePair", "MarkerID")], procReads)
write.table(procReads, file.path(outputDir, sprintf("processedReadSummary%s.txt", postfix)), sep="\t", row.names=F)

Second method work only for overlapping sequence read pair by merging the overlap of the forward and reverse read (using vsearch wrapper).

postfix <- "_merge"
refSeq <- DNAStringSet(markerTab$ReferenceSequence)
names(refSeq) <- markerTab$MarkerID
lapply(seq_along(refSeq), function(i){
  writeFasta(refSeq[i], file.path(outputDir, paste(names(refSeq)[i], postfix, ".fasta", sep="")))

procReadsMerge <- mergeAmpliconReads(as.character(dePlexMarker$FileR1), as.character(dePlexMarker$FileR2), outProcFiles)
procReads <- cbind(dePlexMarker[,c("SampleID", "SampleName","BarcodePair", "MarkerID")], procReadsMerge)
write.table(procReads, file.path(outputDir, sprintf("processedReadSummary%s.txt", postfix)), sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F)

# subset: remove markers without reads 
procReads <- procReads[procReads$numRead>10,]

Calculate mismatch rate and call SNPs

# Options
minMMrate <- 0.5
minOccGen <- 2

# process each marker
snpLst <- lapply(markerTab$MarkerID, function(marker){
  # Calculate mismatch rate
  seqErrLst <- calculateMismatchFrequencies(as.character(procReads[procReads$MarkerID == marker, "ReadFile"]), 
                                            method ="pairwiseAlignment", # c("pairwiseAlignment","compareDNAString"), 
  names(seqErrLst) <- procReads[procReads$MarkerID == marker, "SampleID"]
  seqErr <- do.call(cbind, lapply(seqErrLst, function(l){
  write.table(seqErr, file.path(outputDir, sprintf("mismatchRate_rate_%s%s.txt", marker, postfix)), sep="\t", row.names=F)

  # Call SNPs
  potSNP <- callGenotype(seqErr, minMismatchRate=minMMrate, minReplicate=minOccGen)
  snpRef <- unlist(lapply(potSNP, function(snp){
    as.character(subseq(refSeq[marker], start=snp, width=1))
  snps <- data.frame(Chr=marker, Pos=potSNP, Ref=snpRef, Alt="N", stringsAsFactors=F)
  write.table(snps, file=file.path(outputDir, sprintf("potentialSNPlist_rate%.0f_occ%i_%s%s.txt", 
                                                  minMMrate*100, minOccGen, marker, postfix)), 
              row.names=F, col.names=T, sep="\t", quote=F)

  # Plot mismatch rate and SNP calls
  png(file.path(outputDir, sprintf("plotMisMatchRatePerBase_rate%.0f_occ%i_%s%s.png", 
                             minMMrate*100, minOccGen, marker, postfix)), 
      width=1500 , height=600)
  matplot(seqErr, type="p", pch=16, cex=0.4, col="#00000088", ylim=c(0, 1),
          ylab="Mismatch Rate", xlab="Base Position", main=marker, cex.axis=2, cex.lab=2)
  abline(v=snps[,"Pos"], lty=2, col="grey")
  abline(h=minMMrate, lty=1, col="red")

names(snpLst) <- markerTab$MarkerID

Call Haplotypes

# call haplotype options
minCov <- 3
detectionLimit <- 1/100
minOccHap <- 2
minCovSample <- 25

# remove samples without reads
procReads <- procReads[procReads$numRead>0,]

# call final haplotypes
finalTab <- createFinalHaplotypTable(
  outputDir = outputDir, sampleTable = procReads, markerTable = markerTab, referenceSeq = refSeq,
  snpList = snpLst, postfix = postfix, minHaplotypCoverage = minCov, minReplicate = minOccHap, 
  detectability = detectionLimit, minSampleCoverage = minCovSample)

Run HaplotypR as Shiny App (currently dysfunctional)

Load HaplotypR package:


Copy Example Files to a working directory 'outputDir':

# Define output directory 
outputDir <- "~/exampleHaplotypR"  
# Create output directoy
  dir.create(outputDir, recursive=T)
# Set working directory to output directory

# Copy example files to output directory
file.copy(from=system.file(package="HaplotypR", "extdata"), to=outputDir, recursive = T)
# List files example files in output directory
dir(file.path(outputDir, "extdata"))

The listed file can be used as example input files in the shiny app. The following files should be listed with the last R command: "barcode_Fwd.fasta", "barcode_Rev.fasta", "markerFile.txt", "readsF.fastq.gz", "readsR.fastq.gz", "sampleFile.txt".

Run HaplotypR GUI:
