lesaux / diamond-DockerContainerCollector

A diamond collector for docker containers
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A diamond collector for docker containers

A docker container that will ship the host and container metrics to graphite.

Diamond collectors are modified to read host stats from /host_proc instead of proc. The DockerContainerCollector uses docker-py to gather container metrics.

If you wish you test it out, a container is available on the docker hub: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/lesaux/diamond-containercollector/

The following environment variables are being used to launch the container:

HANDLERS=Handlers to use (e.g: diamond.handler.stats_d.StatsdHandler, defaults to diamond.handler.graphite.GraphiteHandler)
GRAPHITE_HOST=the ip address of your graphite container.
GRAPHITE_PORT=the port graphite listens on.
STATSD_HOST=the ip address of your StatsD daemon.
STATSD_PORT=the port StatsD listens on.
DOCKER_HOSTNAME=the name of the docker host as you wish to see it in graphite.
INTERVAL=the interval at which you wish to ship metrics.

The docker hosts metrics will be in the servers.hostname graphite path. The container metrics will be in the docker.hostname.containers graphite path.

docker run -i -e GRAPHITE_HOST= -e GRAPHITE_PORT=2003 -e DOCKER_HOSTNAME=docker-node1 -e INTERVAL=5 -v /proc:/host_proc:ro -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro lesaux/diamond-containercollector

I found that in more recent docker versions (with docker-machine and boot2docker) you need to mount

-v /dev:/dev:ro

as well to monitor boot2docker-data disk space usage.