BassCase is a single page web application clone of the social music-sharing and listening website, SoundCloud, featuring audio track uploads, user profiles, likes, reposts, follows, continuous playback, and seamless control of queued track order.
Logo design credit: Alison Bushor
BassCase is built with a Ruby on Rails/Postgres backend and a React/Redux frontend.
Visitors may sign up and log in from the landing page. Displayed components include an index of a user's song posts and reposts sorted by time, a sidebar containing a sampling of followers and followees with hover-over profile previews, and a section for user stats.
Users may edit their own profiles by updating their profile/banner images directly or toggling the edit form modal for more options.
Users may upload their own tracks on to the site. Supported formats include MP3, MP4, OGG, OPUS, WAVE (WAV), and FLAC.
If a user is so inclined, they may upload multiple songs individually from the upload page without having to revisit the form for each new upload. This may be accomplished by adding audio files to the file input multiple times in succession. Each song may be uploaded by simply clicking its corresponding 'save' button.
Users may 'like' and 'repost' songs in a number of locations wherever they appear, including
Reposted songs appear together with uploaded tracks on a user's profile page.
Users may follow or unfollow other users to subscribe to their post/repost history. This follow toggle button appears where the 'edit' button normally does on the users own profile.
Additionally, users may follow others within the 'who to follow' sidebar or by hovering over another user's followers/followees and clicking the follow toggle button.
Users generate a stream of songs upon login at the root page, displaying a time-ordered index of songs posted or reposted by all of the people they are following as well as themselves.
Additionally, a refreshable sidebar is displayed with user profile previews that may be followed or unfollowed.
Users may search for users and songs through the embedded search bar in the navbar component. Results are updated instantly and displayed in a dropdown list of semantically icon-labeled items.
Visitors and users may play songs from the playbar, song queue, or displayed song components for uninterrupted playback when navigating the BassCase site.
BassCase keeps track of an internal list of songs to be played back to the user that can be accessed via a collapsible, scrolling widget brought up by clicking the icon in the bottom right corner of the play bar.
Within the collapisble queue, visitors and users may toggle song playback, skip to previous or next songs, add a song to be played next up after the current song, clear or refresh the queue, or navigate to a different position in the queue. Additionally, users toggle options to loop a single song, loop over the entire queue, and shuffle or unshuffle their ordered list of songs through various buttons on the playbar.
If one looks closely, each queue item contains a little 'handle' icon on the left-hand side of its display when hovered over by the mouse.
These are actually designated spots by which the user may click and drag a given song queue item from its current spot to a new place up or down the queue for intuitive, painless reordering.
Install ruby, npm, & postgres, shared-mime-info, imagemagick, taglib & bundle.
brew install postgresql
brew install libpq
brew install shared-mime-info
brew install imagemagick
brew install taglib
Update development.rb paperclip config
# in terminal, find your imagemagick path
which convert
=> "/opt/local/bin/" (example)
# /config/environments/development.rb
Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/opt/local/bin/" (change this line to output of `which convert`)
Set up ENV variables for your chosen seed user password & S3 configs:
# in terminal or bash config file such as .bashrc or .zshrc
export s3_bucket="(...)"
export s3_access_key_id="(...)"
export s3_secret_access_key="(...)"
export s3_region="(...)"
In one console window, install gems, setup db & run rails server.
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bin/rails db:setup
bin/rails server
If you get an error with installing gem taglib-ruby, add set the following ENV variable and run bundle install
export TAGLIB_DIR=(your taglib install directory, run `brew info taglib` to check this, ex. "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/taglib/1.13.1")
In another console window, install js packages and run webpack
npm install -f
npm start
Website should now be served to localhost:3000 reachable in your web browser. Note, you must seed the db with at least 1 user or the app will not render (ex. guest account). Alternatively, comment out the following conditional before you create your first user:
// app.jsx
if (Object.keys(this.props.users).length === 0 || Object.keys(this.props.songs).length === 0) {
return null;
The landing page will also look formatted incorrectly until ther are at least 12 songs in the DB.