lethal233 / ms-thesis-project

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Localization message #7

Closed lethal233 closed 6 months ago

lethal233 commented 7 months ago
twist.linear.x -> linear velocity
twist.linear.y/twist.linear.z == 0
twist.angular.x == twist.angular.y == 0
twist.angular.z != 0


lethal233 commented 7 months ago

Orientation to heading:

lethal233 commented 7 months ago

apollo: quad to heading: https://apollo.baidu.com/community/Apollo-Homepage-Document?doc=BYFxAcGcC4HpYIbgPYBtXIHQCMEEsATAV0wGNkBbWA5UyRFdZWVBEAU0hFgsgDMA%2BgIykEqPAC82eZADsBADlKkBkZEQBOpdplAVUAYlQAGU8YCMQA

remember: do not "+ pi/2"

lethal233 commented 7 months ago


lethal233 commented 7 months ago


Vehicle kinematic state Current pose, velocity and acceleration of ego, calculated from localization interface.

Note: Kinematic state contains pose, velocity and acceleration. In the future, pose, velocity and acceleration will not be used as output for localization.

autoware_msgs/autoware_localization_msgs/msg/KinematicState std_msgs/msg/Header header string child_frame_id geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist_with_covariance geometry_msgs/AccelWithCovariance accel_with_covariance The message will be subscribed by the planning and control module.