letscodeshivansh / MakeMyWork-MERN

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Table of Contents :robot:

Introduction: :point_right:

MakeMyWork is a unique platform designed to bridge the gap between individuals seeking tasks to be completed and those looking to earn money by offering their skills and services in their free time. Unlike traditional job boards, MakeMyWork operates as a freelancing marketplace where users can post various tasks for they need assistance with, ranging from small errands to specialized services, and connect with capable individuals who are willing to undertake these tasks for a fee.

Features: 🤌

Task Posting: Users can easily post tasks they need assistance with, providing details such as task description, location, budget, and deadline.

Task Discovery: MakeMyWork enables users to browse through posted tasks based on categories, locations, and keywords, making it simple to find tasks that match their skills and interests.

Profile Creation: Both task posters and task doers can create profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and ratings, facilitating trust and transparency within the community.

Messaging System: MakeMyWork includes an integrated messaging system that allows users to communicate directly to discuss task details, negotiate terms, and coordinate the completion of tasks.

Secure Payments: The platform provides a secure payment system, ensuring that transactions between task posters and task doers are conducted safely and reliably.

Rating and Review System: Upon task completion, users can leave ratings and reviews for each other, helping to build a trustworthy and reputable community.

TeckStack 🤖

html5 logo css3 logo tailwindcss logo bootstrap logo javascript logo nodejs logo express logo vscode logo github logo mongodb logo

Installation 🦿

To install this Project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/letscodeshivansh/MakeMyWork-.git
  2. Initiate npm:

    npm init -y
  3. Install dependencies:

    npm i
  4. Start the node:

    npm start
    1. Open http://localhost:6969 with your browser to see the result.

Contributing: ✍️

We welcome contributions from developers, designers, and enthusiasts who are passionate about improving MakeMyWork. Feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit pull requests. Together, we can make MakeMyWork even better!

Contributors: 🫂

License 👮

MakeMyWork is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Screenshots: 📱

Screenshot 2024-06-13 210458 Screenshot 2024-06-13 211002 Screenshot 2024-06-13 210932 Screenshot 2024-06-13 210911 Screenshot 2024-06-13 211028