letsfae / FaeMap-Frontend

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Use of SwiftyJSON

SwiftyJSON is a public framework, aims to deal with the JSON data from Backend.

Because of the "Optional" and "Wrapping" features of Swift language, it becomes complex to get the real data and handle the error at the same time.

It is a must for Fae Frontend Developers to know how it works and how to use.

For Example,

The code would look like this:

if let statusesArray = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .allowFragments) as? [[String: AnyObject]],
    let user = statusesArray[0]["user"] as? [String: AnyObject],
    let username = user["name"] as? String {
    // Finally we got the username

It's not good. Even if we use optional chaining, it would be messy:

if let JSONObject = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data,, options: .allowFragments) as? [[String: AnyObject]],
    let username = (JSONObject[0]["user"] as? [String: AnyObject])?["name"] as? String {
        // There's our username

With SwiftyJSON all you have to do is:

import SwiftyJSON

let json = JSON(data: dataFromNetworking)
if let userName = json[0]["user"]["name"].string {
  //Now you got your value

For more details, please check SwiftyJSON on Github

Use of Delegate in Swift

First, create a protocol and declare it in the class that will call delegate function.

protocol FirstViewControllerDelegate: class {
    func someFunction(arg1: Int, arg2: String, arg3: Bool)
// We will use UIViewController as an example, 
// because we often pass data back from UIViewController class when finishing use of it.
// Typically, any class can be used here.
class YourFirstClass: UIViewController {
    // Declare your delegate to initialize protocol here
    weak var delegate: FirstViewControllerDelegate? // Use "?" to prevent bug occurring

Second, add protocol to the class that will execute the protocol function, "someFunction" for this example.

class YourSecondClass: UIViewController, FirstViewControllerDelegate {
    // In this class, you must confirm the protocol "FirstViewControllerDelegate",
    // or error will occur.
    func someFunction(arg1: Int, arg2: String, arg3: Bool) {
        // Deal with your code here,
        // this function will call if YourFirstClass's delegate calls this function.
        print("arg1: \(arg1)")
        print("arg2: \(arg2)")
        print("arg3: \(arg3)")

Last, call delegate function directly in YourFirstClass, and function details will be excuted in YourSecondClass

class YourFirstClass: UIViewController {
    var delegate: FirstViewControllerDelegate?
    func viewDidLoad() {
        // In thie following way, someFunction will be called and arg1-3 will be passed to YourFirstClass
        self.delegate?.someFunction(arg1: 777, arg2: "777", arg3: true)


Adding "@objc" in front of protocol and adding "@objc optional" in front of protocol function name will make functions optional to use


@objc protocol FirstViewControllerDelegate {
    @objc optional func someFunction(arg1: Int)
    @objc optional func anotherFunction(arg1: Int)
    func mustConfirmThisFunction(arg1: Int)

Then, in the class "YourSecondClass", the first two functions in the protocol are optional to use, but the third function must be implemented.


Parameter for Chat


POST /xxx




Name Type Description
message string() 消息
senderID string() ID
senderName string() 用户名
date string() 日期
index int() 在聊天中的序号
status string() 是否发送成功
hasTimeStamp boolean() 是否显示时间戳
data(optional) string() 只有text和location需要
snapImage(optional) string() 只有video和location需要
longitude(optional) string() 只有location需要
latitude(optional) string() 只有location需要
videoDuration(optional) int() 只有video需要
isHeartSticker(opt) boolean() 只有sticker需要

Coding Style & Basic Rules (English)

Rule of Variables Naming

General Rules:


Variable Type Name Rule
UIButton btnName
UICollectionView cllcName
UILabel lblName
UIImageView imgName
UISearchBar schbarName
UITableView tblName
TableViewCell cellName
UITextView txtName
UITapGestureRecognizer tapName
UIView uiviewName

2. Conciseness

Original Concise
NSTextAlignment.center .center
UIControlState.normal .normal
UIControlState.touchUpInside .touchUpInside

3. Other Rules

(1) Punctuation


UIColor(red: 182/255, green: 159/255, blue: 202/255, alpha: 0.65)


height: screenWidth-65

(2) If else statement


if condition {

} else {


(3) Blank lines

4. Steps to pull and create new branch

1. 变量名

Variable Type Name Rule
UIButton btnName
UICollectionView cllcName
UILabel lblName
UIImageView imgName
UISearchBar schbarName
UITableView tblName
TableViewCell cellName
UITextView txtName
UITapGestureRecognizer tapName
UIView uiviewName

注意: 在缩写后要加上具体的用途名。btnSend

2. 代码规范

(1) 简写 全称 简写
NSTextAlignment.center .center
UIControlState.normal .normal
UIControlState.touchUpInside .touchUpInside

(2) 符号空格


height: screenWidth-65

(3) if-else


if condition {

} else {


(4) 空行


3. 资源命名缩写

前缀缩写 说明
Icon->ic 用于图标
background->bg 用于背景图
button->btn 用于按钮图样
后缀缩写 说明
nor 普通状态
hi 高亮
press 按下
select 选中
unselect 未选中