letsgetrandy / DICSS

Directly injected CSS
MIT License
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You guys seem to think this is funny. #15

Closed marshallNorman closed 9 years ago

marshallNorman commented 9 years ago

But it's really not. It's harmful to the developer community. Pretty sure Git will end up removing this fake user, but you should do it yourself like a real grown up.

mrManner commented 9 years ago

I actually don't get the problem with this one. Granted, there are lots of jokes on the sex topic that are misogynistic, heteronormative, or just generally tasteless. With this one I can't see any such problems, but do educate me =)

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

You know... the humor actually went completely over my head until you pointed it out. That makes my nitpicking PR over Sass all-the-more funny to me.

CSobol commented 9 years ago

I find the whole thing to be less a big penis-joke and more a commentary on the state of javascript in general. Everyone and their mom is a javascript dev nowadays and they're much more concerned with whether or not you CAN than whether or not you SHOULD.

There are a lot of bad ideas that get a lot of traction in the webdev community. This is a parody of those in much the same was html 9 responsive boilerstrap js is (http://html9responsiveboilerstrapjs.com/).

maxlapides commented 9 years ago

Joking about sexual violence? Really? How can you possibly defend this? It's gross, juvenile, inappropriate, and far from funny. Educate yourselves.

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

@maxlapides Educate yourself on "dark humor" or "black comedy".

I'm at a lose-lose situation here, since you give me the vibe that you'll have an issue with the terms somehow being racist. Would you prefer dark or black? I'm trying to be politically correct here.

Edit: Also, it speaks volumes that I predicted this before visiting your profile: "San Francisco, CA"

Here, I took some time to find a resource you could learn from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceS_jkKjIgo

CSobol commented 9 years ago

The only "joke" about sexual violence is actually saying that consent is mandatory to use DICCS. So SJWs should have no problem with that.

I mean, unless your argument is "no one should ever make a dick joke" in which case, just close your tab and walk away if you're too "mature" for dick and fart jokes which, as a 32 year old, I hope to never see that day.

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

+1 that this is gross, juvenile, and offensive. i love jokes but this is certainly not a funny one. this is extremely harmful to our community and just further promotes sexism in tech.

chriseppstein commented 9 years ago

I made a PR to address this but it was rejected :( https://github.com/letsgetrandy/DICSS/pull/16

MCluck90 commented 9 years ago

I've seen at least two people say this is detrimental to the community. Gross? Sure. Juvenile? Without a doubt. Detrimental to the community? Only if the community at large decides we should legitimately start naming things like this. It's not like everyone is going to go replace their LESS code with DICSS code. Have a laugh or don't but don't start yelling the sky is falling just because someone posted some code with an immature sense of humor.

derekhubbard commented 9 years ago

Not cool. Yet again, we continue the brogrammer culture by being idiots.

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

I'm not saying it is detrimental to the community because it is going to replace code, it is detrimental because it is just furthering the idea that being disrespectful and making jokes about sexual violence is okay when it isn't.

MCluck90 commented 9 years ago

@allypalanzi Where does it imply sexual violence? I must be blind because I didn't see anything regarding forced sexual encounters in the README.

jezen commented 9 years ago

I’m not sure how this perpetuates “sexism in tech”, and I still have no idea what a “brogrammer” is.

My problem with this is that it’s just juvenile. It’s a lazy attempt at humour. It isn’t funny. I don’t find dick jokes offensive, but I find such childishness insulting to the developer community as a whole. You know why there has been social stigma surrounding programmers for a long time? This is why. Cut it out.

CSobol commented 9 years ago

Who is this being disrespectful to, and where does it say we should go around raping people?

I'm a 32 year old, bisexual, genderqueer individual, and at no point did I find anything to be offended at, nor was I #triggered.

@MCluck90 they were mentioned, specifically that they were unacceptable. This is simply a matter of people making it their life goal to be offended being offended.

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

I don't appreciate my advice being ignored. I find that offensive.


neurosnap commented 9 years ago


marshallNorman commented 9 years ago

I said this is harmful to the developer community. Think about that when you eat your Count Chocula tonight.

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

@MCluck90 https://github.com/letsgetrandy/DICSS/pull/16#issuecomment-84133412 this answers it nicely.

CSobol commented 9 years ago

To assume "put your DICCS wherever you want" means "put your penis in a woman's vagina, even if she doesn't consent" is an incredibly heteronormative viewpoint, is incredibly misandrist, and you should be ashamed of yourself. Check your privilege.

alt-grr commented 9 years ago



mfriley commented 9 years ago

There are women in India being raped and prosecuted as adulterers for it, but more importantly, someone is making a puerile joke on the Internet.

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

@advi Fallacy of relative privation!

Because that's somehow taking the moral high ground?

mfriley commented 9 years ago

Yes, I know what the not-as-bad-as card is. It doesn't quite fit here because the example of a "real" problem I provided is related to the topic at hand and based off of the purported reasoning for having this repo deleted.

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

@advi GitHub stripping my extra line breaks made that come off wrong. Darn it. Damn. I should start using italics. Or become pretentious and end all sarcasm with "(!)" at the end like on U.K television transcripts.

ghost commented 9 years ago

To be honest, I totally understand the anger.

People have spent a lot of time, and money, campaigning for a DICSS-less society - and then you come along, and wave DICSS in everyone's face.

Please, don't let DICSS become an issue that divides us as a community. DICSS, and DICSS-less projects can coexist within the same industry.

ghost commented 9 years ago

@shemmie maybe DICSS and LESS should be combined into DICSSLESS or LESSDICSS

ghost commented 9 years ago

Well I know that DICSSless projects are all the rage in IT at the moment. I believe there's a lot of potential funding in that area. I totally respect that.

But this project is about what DICSS 'can' do for IT.

Don't get me wrong; DICSS is not perfect. It's a bit too tightly coupled for my liking (I'd much prefer a solution where I could slip DICSS in and out of my project, or exchange it for similar alternatives).

It could do with a hell of a lot more work on optimization - especially as it's not on any CDN's that I'm aware of? Every time letsgetrandy has brought a new version of DICSS to the table, sure, it's had loads of cool new things - but the size is getting out of hand now.

I'm trying to find a way of pleasing everyone, but it's hard.

@allypalanzi, I respect that you find DICSS harmful in this context. I totally respect your view on jokes, too. I've got a friend who's similar to you - they didn't find this funny. At first, I thought it was because they and I found different things funny - but they explained that in fact no, I was simply finding the wrong things funny. After a long and frank exchange of opinions, I accepted that I am wrong.

That being said, can you respect that, if I choose to use DICSS, I'm free to do so? Please understand, I'm not requiring you to use DICSS, or trying to force my opinions onto you - merely asking, am I free to use DICSS if I so wish?

I also agree with @maxlapides - we should all educate ourselves. Is there any documentation being drawn up?

Final note: @Kyokou - I respect you and your views, but I find your PoC humor problematic. As per the friend I mentioned before, I am likely wrong in this and so I apologize if I've caused you any undue distress.

thereals0beit commented 9 years ago


leggomuhgreggo commented 9 years ago

hey, stop having fun

bananu7 commented 9 years ago

I mean, unless your argument is "no one should ever make a dick joke" in which case, just close your tab and walk away

Huge +1 for that.

majestrate commented 9 years ago

That's because it IS funny. Are you not entertained?

Karunamon commented 9 years ago

And if you don't think it's funny, perhaps you should go away and let the people who do think it's funny have their fun. Who do you think you are, anyways? Nobody's forcing you to use this freely-contributed library :)

ErrolSilver commented 9 years ago


james-see commented 9 years ago

This entire thread made me laugh so hard. Thank you so much. I am almost excited enough to tell my wife about my implementation of DICSS right now but not sure she will agree with my strategy so playing around with my DICSS for a bit and will probably sleep on this until tomorrow. Thank you. This is the internet I love.

gaearon commented 9 years ago

I don't really see the problem. DICSS gonna act like DICSS.

It's the only reason this project got popular in the first place. Not like there's a goldmine of tech here.

gaearon commented 9 years ago

It's a shame that some other project didn't cut Github trending threshold because this garbage took its place by the virtue of being controversial, linkbaity and poor taste at the same time. Yikes.

Rush commented 9 years ago

This is funny. Obligatory Steve Hughes for offended people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHMoDt3nSHs

joncampbell123 commented 9 years ago

To people who hate this project: If you don't like DICSS, don't use it. If you don't like this project, don't visit this project. This isn't cable TV where it's transmitted to you and you have to put up with it on your channel lineup. This is the internet where if you don't like it you don't have to direct your browser at it. Nobody is forcing you to visit this project for the same reason nobody forces you to visit 4chan. Let these people have their penis, sex, and Javascripts jokes and let them alone to their fun.

joncampbell123 commented 9 years ago

Also, obligitory video for anyone who might want to clone this repository: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkhbxTDAp0I

kbradsha commented 9 years ago

Marshalnorman should just die in a fire. People like you give social justice warriors the condescending stereotype they currently have. Have you no understanding of the freedom of speech? HINT: it's not just for popular speech ass!

gaearon commented 9 years ago

@kbradsha If somebody is misunderstanding free speech, it's you.

kbradsha commented 9 years ago

Gearon, YOU ARE FREE TO UNSUBSCRIBE YOU UNFUNNY ASSHOLE! GO DIE IN A FIRE ALREADY! Believe me, you won't be missed. There are at least 1000 brainwashed statist fascists lining up to take your worthless place.

gaearon commented 9 years ago

Isn't the internet amazing @kbradsha? You can hide behind a random avatar, say mean things to other people and your parents won't know. You can even mine bitcoins and get rich. Fascinating times we live in.

kbradsha commented 9 years ago

It is amazing the number of brainwashed fascists going around pretending to be social justice warriors. I'm 41 years old prick. I won't bother to guess your age, I know already no matter how old you are, you are a waste of human dignity. I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Unless it's not funny, then you can go die in a fire.

melon3r commented 9 years ago

Looks like some people think everybody should have the same sense of humour... I don't want to be part of a community that finds bad jokes detrimental.


Dude, nobody should die for this. But maybe he could suck DICSS!

Isn't the internet amazing @kbradsha? You can hide behind a random avatar, say mean things to other people and your parents won't know. You can even mine bitcoins and get rich. Fascinating times we live in.

Sarcasm is far more offensive than dick jokes...

kbradsha commented 9 years ago

@gdrooid @gaearon You can both go die in a fire. Seriously, if any of you want to be social justice warriors for feminists who can't seem to defend themselves because equality and they need your help, you could find hundreds of better topics to waste your time on. How about you guys start haunting the women landscaping forums or the women concrete layers forums? How come you guys aren't haunting the women tuna fisher forums or the women's hazardous waste disposal forums? How come you guys don't support women doing all the work the majority of men have been stuck doing for decades? How come you guys don't haunt the female suicide forum?. You know, men are 76% of the homicide victims in the US and 84% of the suicides. Why aren't you pushing women to be equal to men on those forums? 92% of workforce deaths are men. Why aren't you on those forums pushing for women's equality? The time for gender equality is now!!! You just missed international women's day! Too bad there isn't an international men's day. You could have made a huge impact! I guess you were too busy minding your male privilege!

gaearon commented 9 years ago

I'm 41 years old prick.

Makes sense to see you in this repo.

melon3r commented 9 years ago

@kbradsha Fuck you dude, you didn't understand me at all.

kbradsha commented 9 years ago

@gdrooid If I did not grasp your meaning, I apologize. It sounded from this end like you were defending @gearon who is apparently a lifeless automoton programmed well by the state. No meaningful dialog can be had with that guy.

melon3r commented 9 years ago

@kbradsha ;-) Don't worry. My first lines stated that I don't want to be part of a community formed by that kind of people.